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Case Studies

An online patient Mr. J. S. consulted Dr. Shah for his complaints of G.E.R.D. He was residing in Qatar. He took the online treatment and replied to the Questionnaire in detail. He was suffering from symptoms of bloating in the abdomen and chest. These symptoms would come up after eating. He.....Read more

A 33-years-old lady, Mrs. S. S. (pin no- 29657) consulted at Lifeforce for her complaints of Bell’s palsy on the 31st August 2016. She was suffering from the complaint of Bell’s Palsy since 6 months. The patient was facing many symptoms, such as watering of the left eye, weakness of l.....Read more

A 56 years old patient Mr A.K.S. (Patient Identification Number 13223) registered with Life Force for the treatment of residual symptoms of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) on 22nd January 2010.

He had poor muscle power in his hands. His fingers were stiff and he could not grip the .....Read more

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Can you consume tea, coffee and garlic with homeopathic medicines?

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?

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