97% Recovery From Psoriasis Observed With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 25-years-old male patient, Mr. A. P. (PIN 32386) from Amritsar contacted Life Force Homeopathy on 8th June 2018 for his complaints of Psoriasis.

He was suffering from psoriasis for one year, and almost his whole body was affected by the condition. Psoriasis patches of grape-sized where present on his legs, chest, head, face, and genitals everywhere. He was experiencing an intense itching and redness in the affected area, particularly at night. The disease was progressing rapidly.

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As observed by the patient, the condition was occurring due to the salty water.

He had taken allopathic and homeopathic medicines from different skin clinics but found no result.

His appetite and thirst were good, and he had a craving for sweets and sour foods. He used to experience a lot of perspiration while running.

His family was from Kanpur. He was working in Indian Air Force with full satisfaction. He was a very happy person until he was affected by this irritating condition of psoriasis. After experiencing the symptoms of psoriasis, he became worried about the recovery.

After studying his case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed him his research-based molecules on 9th June 2017 for six weeks that he took as per the guidelines.

On 18th July 2017, he reported a 30% improvement in his condition. The itching had reduced, particularly on his head.

On 11th September 2017, he was 70% better. White scales present on his scalp were 85% cleared. The patches on his face had disappeared completely.

On 13th November 2017, he was better by 80%. But, due to the winter season, he was again developing some symptoms similar to dandruff on the scalp. As per his feedback, again medicines were prescribed to him along with some dietary advice.

On 1st January 2018, he felt a little relief from his previous condition.

He continuously took the medicines, and, on 24th May 2018, he reported a 97% recovery. No spread of the psoriasis patches. Also, no new spots had appeared. His old patches had cleared. He no more suffered from scaling and itching. The patient was fully satisfied with the improvement in his condition and recovery from psoriasis.

The patient is still following our treatment for complete recovery.


This case highlights that going for the correct mode of treatment i.e. homeopathy from experienced and expert homeopathy is important to treat stubborn conditions like psoriasis. Homeopathy promotes recovery from psoriasis effectively and safely without any side-effects.

- Written by Dr. Khushbunnisa, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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