Chronic Cervical Spondylitis Responded Incredibly To Homeopathy Along With Yoga

A 50-years-old man, Mr. A S. (PIN: 35935) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 28th Feb 2018 with the complaints of Cervical Spondylitis.

He was experiencing stiffness in his neck along with pain in the shoulder blade along with vertigo and tinnitus (ringing sound in the ear). He was suffering from these complaints for 18 years. His complaints use to get aggravated on moving head towards left and while writing. He felt better after warm application over the cervical area. He had taken the conventional and homeopathic medications in the past without any significant relief. Currently, the patient was not on any medication and he was practicing yoga diligently under supervision.

Also, he used to experience dizziness which would increase while walking and in the crowded place. He was on the conventional treatment as and when needed. 

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Besides this, he was suffering from hypertension for six years and was on the conventional treatment for the same.
His appetite was good. He preferred vegetarian food with a craving for spicy food. His thirst was average. His bowel and urination habits were normal.

He was an Accountant by profession and was into a desk job. By nature, he was mild and gentle. He was responsible, fastidious, and punctual.
After a detailed analysis of the case and based on the totality of the symptoms, Dr. Shah prescribed him research-based molecules for six weeks.

On his first follow-up on 10th April 2018, his relief from the pain and stiffness was slightly better than earlier. Also, his relief from tinnitus was 80%-90% better.

On his second follow-up on 30th May 2018, the patient had recovered remarkably from the stiffness in neck & pain in the shoulder blades by about 80%. His recovery from the complaint of tinnitus and vertigo was also much better. On his third follow-up on 10th July 2018, the patient had experienced more than 90% better relief in all his complaints and also had experienced an overall betterment in his health in general.
On his follow-up on 12th November 2018, his relief from his complaints was 95% better.

The patient is really contended with the betterment of his condition and the relief from his complaints and is hopeful of a long lasting relief by the Life Force team.

This case highlights that homeopathy offers an excellent long-term relief from the pain occurring due to Cervical Spondylitis without any side-effects. And, if it is combined with proper and regular exercise, it helps in alleviating the symptoms even if the maintaining factors are present.

Written by Dr. Sneha Sarangdhar, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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