A Homemaker Got Relieved Of Her Dermatitis At Life Force Homeopathy

Mrs. N.K.S. (PIN: 35840) visited Life Force Homeopathy for her complaints of Dermatitis, which she was suffering from more than 15 years. She had inherited the complaints from her father, as he was having similar complaints.

There were red eruptions over both her thighs along with dryness, itching, & occasional bleeding on scratching intensively. These complaints would increase in intensity in the winters.

She never took any treatment for the same, but she had faith in Homoeopathy. So, she came for the treatment at Life Force homeopathy.

She was a vegetarian and had an average appetite. She had craving for salty things & aversion to milk. Her thirst was average, & her perspiration was slightly offensive & generalized on exertion. She was intolerant of the cold temperatures. The patient was slightly overweight. She has disturbed sleep with nightmares, which would interrupt her sleep often.

She had an unhappy childhood & was neglected by her parents. Her life was always stressful.

After studying the case in detail, Dr, Shah, M.D. prescribed medicines for 6 weeks to the patient.

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On her subsequent follow-ups, she was stable & her dermatitis was not spreading. She had a pattern of winter aggravation.

The summer passed &, when monsoons arrived, she experienced slight aggravation in her complaints, but the Homoeopathic medicines at Life Force kept the condition under control.

By the time winter arrived, she experienced some increase in her Dermatitis, but it was less intense as compared to that in the winters of the last 15 years. She was prescribed homeopathic medicines by keeping a close watch & track on her symptoms.

Post-winter, during summers & monsoons, there was a slight presence of Dermatitis without much disturbance to her. Homeopathy was helping her break the chain of this cyclical recurrence of discomforting dermatitis every winter that was bothering her for the past 15 years.

Again, winters arrived but, this time, her Dermatitis was almost under control & slowly it vanished.

The patient is successfully treated & relieved of her 15-year-persistent Dermatitis in just 2 years of treatment at Life Force Homeopathy.


This case highlights that homeopathy can be really helpful in treating chronic genetically-linked health issues, such as Dermatitis, and relieves the patients of the annual recurrence of the disease.

  • Written by Dr. Aditya Atholi, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D.


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