Severe and extensive Lichen Planus completely cured with Homeopathy.

Mrs. M.M.P. (Patient Identification Number: 19868) consulted Dr. Shah for her Lichen Planus. She was suffering from Lichen Planus since the last four months.

She had several small lichen planus lesions all over the body. The skin on the hands, legs, ankles, buttock, and chest was affected. She also had oral Lichen Planus. The spots were spreading rapidly. There were itching and intolerable burning pain in all the lesions.

She used to apply corticosteroid ointment two times a day on the lesions since the past few weeks.

Mrs.M.M.P. was a middle-aged lady. She was working at a DTP center.

Her appetite and thirst were normal. She craved spicy food. The burning sensation in mouth increased on taking spicy food.

She could not tolerate heat in any form. She had perspiration on her palms and soles. Her bowel habits and urine were normal.

Mrs. M.M.P. was the only earning member of her family. Her husband was jobless and a gambler. He always cheated and exploited her. He would steal her money. Due to this their relationship was strained. Despite living together there was no conjugal relation between them.

She had undergone lots of stressful situations due to her husband.

Based on her case details, Dr. Shah prescribed Staphysagria 30c along with research-based medicines.

She came for a follow up after 2.5 months on 27th Nov 2012. The spots had stopped spreading.The itching and burning had also reduced. Her prescription was reviewed by Dr. Shah.

On her second followup at 3.5 months, the lichen planus spots over the hands, legs, and ankles had reduced substantially.There was flattening in the raised lesions and the itching had further reduced.

However, a few new spots had appeared over the thighs and buttocks.Dr Shah examined her and made necessary changes in the prescription.

She visited the center again on 19th Feb 2013. The old spots had healed completely.The new spots on thigh and buttock had also dried up.

Dr Shah gave her the next batch of medicines. She visited the center again on 25 March 2014.There were no new spots and there was complete healing of her Lichen Planus.

Now she is continuing medicines to prevent recurrences. Dr Shah has suggested her to continue the treatment till the end of summer.

She is very happy with the results she achieved at Life Force.

uploaded on 25 March 2014, by Dr. M.N.P.

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