Genital herpes treated successfully with homeopathy...

A 29 yrs old male Mr. A. M. (Patient identification number S-5933) came to our clinic to seek treatment of genital herpes from almost 2 years. He complained of reddish pin point eruptions at tip of the penis and shaft with itching which increased in evening, at night and he felt better after hot water bath. He was on Zovirax 800mg which gave him temporary relief. He had average appetite and thirst with desire for spicy food and dislike to non vegetarian food. Bowel movements and urine were satisfactory. Easy perspiration on head, face, chest and palms was marked. He preferred being in warm climate and was intolerant to cold. His sleep was disturbed due to anxious dreams. He was habitual smoker since 8 years. He was a software programmer staying with his parents. He was worried as was constantly pressurized by parents for marriage. He was not happy with his job due heavy work load and no appreciation. Otherwise he was happy go lucky person with anxiety about health. Confident and reserved person. On basis of his case history Dr. Shah prescribed him Silica 200 and later his research based medicines were prescribed. His frequency and intensity of Herpes Simplex decreased gradually. His itching also stopped as time passed. Time to time his Herpes Simplex immunoglobulin antibodies were monitored which showed subsequent improvement as well. Reference range: Negative 0.0 to 0.9 Borderline 0.9 to 1.1 Positive above 1.1 This case illustrates scope of Homeopathy in cases of Genital Herpes with symptomatic relief as well as clinical co-relation.
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Case Studies

A 27 Years old patient Mr. S.G. (Patient identification number: L-9956) reported to the center for the treatment of recurrent cold and cough. He had recurrent cold and cough 3-4 times in a year, however since the last 4 years; the frequency had increased to once in a month. Since the past 10 mon.....Read more

This is the case of Mr. V.D (Patient Ref. No. 2623) a 39 years old male patient who had complaints of eczema since 3 years. He would develop vesicular eruptions on both the palms which would progress to scaling over a period of time. Later there would be intense itching of the palms. He also had .....Read more

21 year old female, Mrs. U. P. (Patient reference number 8259) reported to the clinic for complaint of alopecia on the scalp (vertex) since a month. It had rapidly increased to a size of about 2 inches x 2 inches within a span of 1 month. She was also losing about 100 hair daily. She was not on a.....Read more

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