A 50 years old female patient suffering from Arthritis could walk properly without any pain with Dr. Rajesh Shah's homeopathic treatment.

Mrs. S.B.T (Patient Identification number 17821) was suffering from knee joints pain since last 3 years. She would get the pain daily for 2-3 hours. She was getting difficulty in walking on account of severe pain in knee joints. Stiffness was also there, specially in early morning. Her pain would get worse in evening, by walking and in cold weather. On examination, there was swelling over knee joints. She had to take pain killers every alternate day to control the pain. She wanted to get rid of pain killers. Her family physician suggested her to go for homeopathic treatment under Dr. Rajesh Shah. Mrs. S.B.T searched on the internet about Dr. Rajesh Shah and she was impressed with the information shared on the website and results achieved at Life Force. She visited Life Force on 24th December 2011 along with her husband. Her case details were taken. She was non vegetarian, having average appetite. She was fond of sour food. Thirst and bowel habits were normal. Perspiration was more on palms and soles. She would feel more comfortable in warm weather. Sleep was sometimes disturbed due to pain. Mrs. M.K.J was a housewife, staying with her 2 sons and husband. She was very attached to her family. She had anxiety about health. She would feel as if, because of her pain, she was not able to do much for her family. She was reserved by nature. She would not share her feelings easily. During the whole interrogation, she spoke very little about herself. She was more anxious about her family members. She would not easily mix with others. Dr. Rajesh Shah studied in her case in detail and constitutional medicine along with research based homeopathic medicines were prescribed. In first two months of the treatment, there was only 10% improvement in her joint pain. She submitted her first feedback on 4th February 2012. Morning stiffness was same. She would get pain every day for 2-3 hours. Intensity of pain was better by 10%. She could reduce the intake pain killers to once in 2-3 days. Swelling on the joints was same. Her feedback was studied and medicines were upgraded. On 17th April 2012, she gave her further follow up. There was 30-40% improvement in her pain. She was getting the pain daily. Intensity of the pain was better by 30-40%. Duration was reduced to 1-1.5 hours. Morning stiffness was reduced. She could reduce the use of pain killers to once a week or 10 days. Swelling over the joints was reduced. She reported continuous improvement in all her further follow ups. On 5th June 2012, she reported 50-60% improvement in pain. Intensity of pain was better by 50-60%. In last 2 months, she had to take pain killers only twice. There was no difficulty in walking. Swelling over knee joints was reduced by 60%. She was getting pain only after walking for long time. By 28th August 2012, her pain was better by 70-80%. She could manage without pain killers. Swelling over the joints was reduced considerably. Morning stiffness was better by 70%. She was very happy to get rid of pain killers. She was able to do her daily activities without any discomfort.
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An 8 yr old girl (Pin L-6175) was brought by her parents to the clinic with eruptions on the hands and legs with itching. These eruptions were present for a few months. The itching would increase in the evening. Dr Shah examined the little girl and the skin condition was diagnosed to be lichen pl.....Read more

A 12-year-old boy, Master. H. (PIN: 39828) visited Life Force in April 2019 for treating his complaint of Lichen Planus.

The patient's legs, hands, chest, back, and face were affected by the disease since 1.5 years. He had dark purplish thickened lesions on his affected bo.....Read more

This case is of 34 years old male patient Mr. G. S. A (Patient Ref. No. S-5921) who reported to the clinic with complaints of irritable bowel syndrome.....Read more

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