Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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Case Studies

A 13-years-old girl, Miss. S.S (PIN 10818) visited Life Force on 7th March 2017 to get treated for her recurrent tonsillitis. She was suffering from tonsillitis and frequent cold for the last 10 years. She would suffer from a severe episode of tonsillitis every year which would last for 3-4 month.....Read more

47 years old female, Mrs. C.P.M, (Patient ref. no: L7341) reported to the clinic for complaints of urticaria since about 6-7 years. She mainly complained of erythematous wheals around the nose and on the chin that would be very itchy. She would also have burning pain on the affected parts when th.....Read more

This is the case of Mr. U. S (Patient Ref. No. H-26503) a twenty-five years old male patient who reported to the clinic, with complaints of pain in the anal region since two years. He would get shooting pains in the anal region, that would last the whole day. The pain would get worse during a.....Read more

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