Are you experiencing difficulty in breathing or pain in the chest? Is cough increasing your discomfort? If yes, you might be suffering from asthma. Asthma is a chronic recurrent respiratory disease with inflammation of bronchial tubes. Fortunately, you have homeopathy to treat the condition effectively and safely without any side-effects. Homeopathy has a very good scope in the treatment of asthma. If we combine homeopathic treatment along with some dietary guidelines, we can expect really good results. So, a diet for asthma patients is very important. Keep reading to learn all about it.Best Foods for Asthma Patients:
Here are some best foods and health tips for asthma patients.
1.Fruits: Fruits contain a lot of antioxidants and beta carotene. Research has shown that children who ate a lot of fruits throughout their childhood had a lower risk of developing asthma later in life.

2.Fruits with a high content of Vitamin C and E, such as kiwi, oranges, etc., reduce lung swelling and inflammation.

3.Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables: Fresh vegetables make a good diet for asthma patients. They contain a high amount of Vitamins and flavonoids which destroy the free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the toxins in the body that aggravate asthmatic conditions.

4.Vitamin D: It is found that people with asthma usually have low Vitamin D levels. So, milk, eggs, fish, such as salmon, should be part of the regular diet of asthma patients.

5.Spending time under the sun for a few minutes can increase the level of Vitamin D which in turn has a good effect on asthmatics.

6.Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity and asthma attacks have a direct link. It is found that attacks of asthma significantly reduce when the patient maintains a healthy and normal weight. The frequency of asthma increases with weight gain.
Foods to be Avoided in Asthma:
1.Reduce salt intake: High intake of salt is known to increase asthma attacks in children. So, as far as possible, children should be discouraged to eat packed salty snacks and packaged foods. Moreover, research has shown that the reduction in the intake of salt has a positive effect on exercise-induced asthma.

2.Monosodium glutamate (MSG): This is found in several Chinese foods and packaged and processed foods. MSG is known to trigger asthma attacks. So, it should be kept at bay.

3.Sulfites: Sulfites are used as preservatives. They are known to aggravate asthma. Sulfites are found in wine, dried foods, pickles, frozen shrimps, and even in fresh shrimps. So, these food items should be avoided by asthmatics.

4.Any foods that you are allergic to: If you are allergic to certain foods, it is better to avoid having them when you happen to suffer from asthma. The foods which you are allergic to play an active role in triggering your attacks of asthma. For instance, if you are allergic to shellfish, it is better to avoid it if you have asthma. So, avoid those foods you are allergic to and also foods that are cross-contaminated by them.
Here is the general guideline to make a good diet plan for asthma patients and also certain food to avoid for reducing asthma attacks.
At Life Force Homeopathy, Dr. Rajesh Shah has treated thousands of patients with asthma successfully over more than 30 years. With his treatment, patients who were taking steroids for asthma are now off the steroids and living a reasonably healthy life.
Got Questions? Get answers to all the questions regarding your ailment from Dr. Shah directly. Click here
He firmly believes that, with the above diet tips and proper homeopathic treatment, patients can find huge relief from asthma.
Here are a few testimonials of the patients who are treated by Dr. Rajesh Shah at Life Force.
Got question? Ask about your ailment directly to Dr. Shah. Just send your query here.
There is a good improvement of 80%. The attacks have reduced considerably. There was only one attack since treatment which was very mild. – S. D. Kuwait
I had asthma for the last 35 years. I had a problem with breathing and could not walk even 2 steps. But, after taking Dr. Shah’s medicines my Asthma is gone. My cough and mucus are gone and I can now walk and play. There has been a tremendous improvement in my health and in terms of my nature too. Thanks to Dr. Shah for making my life good and sweet!!! – Rana Kohli, Delhi, India
I, JAM, Pin Number: 15677, residing at Pune, India, was suffering from Allergic asthmatic bronchitis for the last 1 year due to exposure to damp, cold weather and dust. I had severe Allergic coughs and colds frequently and the cough was more severe at night. With this condition, I approached Dr. Shah’s clinic and, after a detailed case study, I was given medicines. Within 4 months of starting the treatment, there was a 50% improvement in my condition. The coughing spells come mainly in the night but much lesser in intensity. The wheezing has reduced completely. The frequency and intensity of Allergic coughs and wheezing have considerably reduced. – J. A. Martyres, India
Disclaimer: Diet needs could vary from patient to patient. Please coordinate with your local doctor and learn whether the suggested diet is suitable for you.

If you have any queries regarding asthma or any chronic disease, feel free to contact us. You can give us a call at +91-22-66888888 or drop in an email at


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