10 Years Persistent Acidity Reduced By 75% In Just 9 Months With Homeopathy

39-years-old Mr. S. N. N. (PIN 21447) visited our clinic on 3rd August 2013. He was suffering from acidity twice a week for the past 10 years. He complained of burning sensation in his abdomen and sour eructation.

He also complained of a headache due to acidity. He tried various treatments with Ayurveda and local homeopathy doctor with a little relief. He consumed antacid medication when his complaints used to turn unbearable. 

He had a good appetite and liked eating sweets. He consumed alcohol twice every week. His bowel movements, urine, and perspiration were normal. His sleep was sound.

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He was self-employed. He owned the business of textiles. His family consisted of his spouse, two children i.e. one son and one daughter, his parents, and two brothers. He was a jovial person by nature. He had cordial relations with his family members. He used to get angry only when he had work-related stress. His paternal uncle was suffering from diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. His brother was suffering from urticaria. His paternal grandmother also used to suffer from high blood pressure.

He reported on 19th November 2013. He reported that with homeopathic medication his health had started improving. He still had acidity episodes twice a week, but his complaints of burning sensation and sour eructation with a headache had started reducing. He had now reduced his antacid medication also. 

He reported on 20th January 2014. His health had improved by around 50%. His acidity episodes reduced from twice a week to once a week. He further reported a good improvement in his relief from the complaints of burning sensation and sour eructation with a headache.

He reported on 5th April 2014. He was glad to report about 75% recovery. His episodes had reduced to once in two weeks. His complaints of burning sensation and sour eructation with a headache had reduced remarkably. He did not require antacid medication. 

He is still continuing medication for complete recovery.


This case highlights that homeopathy can provide you a great relief from the discomfort resulting due to acidity and eliminate your dependency on antacid medication.

- Written by Dr. I. R., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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