Homeopathy Healed A Patient Of Allergic Rhinitis, BPH, And Constipation In 1 Year

A 54-year-old man (PIN: 43882) was suffering from Allergic Rhinitis for 15 years and Constipation for the last 4 to 5 years. He visited our clinic on 8th October 2020 for the treatment of his health complaints. His main complaint was continuous sneezing 15 to 20 times at a stretch which he would suffer from every 15 days and that would last for 2 to 3 days. His complaint would get aggravated due to the dust, peanut, cold, and rainy season. All his allergic rhinitis complaints were associated with a blocked nose. He was on antihistamine and paracetamol (SOS).


He was also suffering from constipation for 5 years. He had to strain for motions, and his stool was very hard and dry, which resulted in anal fissure. His water intake is also very less,


He was on antihypertensive medication for the last 10 years, and his blood pressure is stable now.


Physical Generals:

The patient was very jovial and gentle. His only stress was about his daughter’s marriage.


At Life Force:

Dr. Shah prescribed research-based homeopathic medicine to the patient, after going personally through the case,



When the patient gave the feedback on 20th November 2020, the patient mentioned on the progress report that he experienced 70% improvement in his relief in Allergic rhinitis. But, there was no change in constipation. This time we reviewed the case and advise the patient to follow some lifestyle and dietary modifications for his Constipation complaints.


The patient was on medication for his Allergic rhinitis and constipation from 8th October 2020, and he experienced 97% healing in 1 year of our homeopathic treatment.


He recently got diagnosed with Benign Prostate enlargement, for which he has started our treatment.


He experienced almost complete recovery from Allergic Rhinitis and Constipation. Now, he is on medication for BPH (Benign Prostate Hypertrophy). The patient experienced a 60% improvement in relief from BPH within a 3-month treatment. His dribbling of the urine and the frequency of urination got reduced. He no more experienced interrupted flow of the urine.


His PSA level was 7ng/ml on 5th May 2021 and, on 10 October 2021, it was 3ng/ml. He is still under our treatment for his BPH.



This case illustrates that homeopathy can treat every curable disease effectively. Homeopathy increases immunity, and in this case, offered the patient relief from Allergic rhinitis. Homeopathy along with dietary changes helped him detox and promoted natural healing for his constipation complaint.


  • Written by Dr. Ruchika Roy, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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