Thanks to Homeopathy as I do not have to hide my skin in clothes now. Thanks for substantial recovery in my extensive Lichen planus.

This is a case of Ms NB (PIN 15132) a 32 years old lady from Middlesex, the UK who started online treatment with Life Force on 4th July 2008. She was suffering from the reddish-brown circular eruption on her legs and vagina for 5 months. It was diagnosed as Lichen Planus by her physician who advised her to go for steroids.

Mrs NB knew the side effects of steroids so she refused the steroidal line of treatment. Her disease was spreading rapidly. Her legs and arms were full of eruptions in just 3-4 months. She also started having itching and burning over the eruption. The itching was so severe that she used to scratch it till it bleeds.

So she started finding some treatment options on the internet and went through Dr Shah's website She examined disease information case studies, disease photos on website and had a conversation with associate doctors. After getting convinced, she registered herself online and filled up the questionnaire online mentioning all the details about her health.

In the questionnaire, she mentioned that her professional life was badly affected due to Lichen Planus. Her personal life was stressed up. She had had many bad experiences in her life at the family and professional front. She used to feel helpless and dejected sometimes. Stress would make her irritable and impatient. She mentioned that stress could be triggering factors for her skin condition. Basically she was reserved and sentimental.

About diet, she had average food and water intake. She had craving for junk food, chocolates, and sweets. Her digestion, sleep pattern, sweating was all normal. She used to have normal and regular menses. She never had any major illness in the past or in her family.

She used to stay with her family that included her father mother and elder brother. Basically her family belonged to India but her parents migrated to the UK 15 years back. Her interpersonal relation with mother was not as good as it was with father and brother. This used to make her more stressed up.

Based on all these details, Dr Shah prescribed 4 months of constitutional medicine that was couriered on 7th July 2008. She received and started medicines on 20th July. Though the medicines were for 4 months she reported personally after 2 months mentioning that the spread of the disease has stopped. Lesions were 30% better and her itching was also reduced. She was in India to do her personal work in Delhi but she came to Mumbai specialy for giving this positive feedback.

She was asked to continue medicines with which she was more than 50% better till December 2008. In January her there was a sudden increased in her itching and she experienced new spots on her skin. On asking in detail she told me that the stress level was very high for 10-15 days. Dr Shah made necessary changes in medicines and the next course was sent. She was advised to do relaxation techniques as well.

She had more than 90% improvement with the next medicines. Her reddish-brown spots on hands, legs, and vagina along with itching reduced substantially. She reported online that she needed to hide in clothes but now she can wear any type of clothes. She also mentioned that the stress that was related to her health and skin has reduced a lot and she was living a calm life.

Case study by Dr P.D.

Question to Dr. Shah's Team
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