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Case Studies

Piles or Hemorrhoids is the complaint of inflamed and swollen veins in the rectum and anal area. Discomfort, pain, sensitivity, and, sometimes, bleeding are common symptoms of it. Piles can be internal or external. Many causative factors, such as constipation, obesity, recurrent diarrhea or infec.....Read more

Mrs D. J. (Patient Identification Number 13493), a 53 year old lady, reported to Life Force on 23rd March 2010. She had come for the complaints of Fibroademona. She complained of pain and swelling in her right breast. Her complaints started with mild pain and heaviness in the right breast since 2.....Read more

39-years-old Mr. S. N. N. (PIN 21447) visited our clinic on 3rd August 2013. He was suffering from acidity twice a week for the past 10 years. He complained of burning sensation in his abdomen and sour eructation.

He also complained of a headache due to acidity. He tried various treatme.....Read more

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Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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