Psoriasis Testimonials

P. J., India

The response is just great.There is 75% improvement. The itching has almost completely stopped. The roughness of the skin on the palms and soles of the feet has gone. But the colour of the skin not fully normal. The nails on both hands still not normal though there is considerable improvement. The eruptions on the face are controlled. New eruptions very few, though the old marks are still visible. Very happy about overall improvement.

A. M. J., USA

I noticed a 70% reduction in psoriasis plaques with about 2 months of taking the medicine. I am taking my medicine twice a day and the spots are starting to fade. I think I need to get more of the miracle stuff!!!

Madan Kochhar, India

There has been considerable improvement since I started the treatment (75%). The effected areas are the lower back and the outer thighs. Since last medicine these have improved about 50%. The disease has slowed down. New spots do crop up but they heal in due course.

R. S. London, UK

Tremendous improvement since the treatment began and I am noticing continual improvement. My legs are less successful. I have complete clearance on my back now and I do not need to use any creams. My stomach and chest are much better. This is just remarkable.

S. G., USA

The response to the treatment is quite significant since I have started 6-8 months back; I have greatly noticed improvement in the skin. Intensity of the rashes has also decreased considerably. Since last medicine, there has been significant control over the rashes. In fact I have noticed very few new rashes (may be 2-3). At the same time, existing rashes (in total - 10 rashes) over the face has gone away completely!!! During the course of your medicine, I have stopped steroidal shots and topical ointments. The disease has slowed down and stopped spreading over the body. This is significant achievement that I have noticed in past few months. Thanks to Dr. Shah and his team.

Parents of Sukhmani Bagga, Canada

Thank God and Thank Dr Shah, most of the patches have totally disappeared. Her scalp is almost clear. We don’t see any visual sign. One big patch on leg is smoothened, but the residual scar still remains. Scalp psoriasis is slowly improving. Overall wonderful and astonishing results. Almost 5% of the North Americans population suffers from this disease and they continue taking steroids based ointments. I guess they don’t trust/know homeopathy as we do. We are very pleased with the results and are very thankful to the god almighty for leading us to your website.

Father of K. K., Bihar, India

My son is now very well. He has responded very positively to your medicine and within the span of 4 months his all the scales have gone and only dark colored spots are there. Few peas’ sized (six in nos.) otherwise he is completely cured. It could be said that he has recovered 98 percent. It’s Dr. Rajesh Shah and his professional staff due to which we have seen such marvelous results and a hope to get completely cured soon. My heartiest "Thanks" to you all.

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Psoriasis Case Studies

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease (a disease with an unclear cause that is characterized by inflammation caused by dysfunction of the immune system) that causes inflammation in the body. There may be visible signs of inflammation such as raised plaques (plaques may look different for differ.....Read more

A 31-year-old male patient, Mr. C. M. (PIN: 13321) visited the Life Force clinic in February 2010 and started homeopathic treatment for his complaints of Palmo-planter psoriasis.

He was suffering from it for 1 year. The lesions of psoriasis were present on his hands and legs majorly. He.....Read more

A 28-year-old patient, Mr. S.K. (PIN: 39840) came with complaints of psoriasis to the Santacruz branch of Life Force in Mumbai on 9th April 2019.

He was looking for treatment for psoriasis to work on its root cause and heal the skin condition completely to eliminate it from h.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah sharing 28 years of experience in Psoriasis treatment

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