Are you experiencing discomforting pain in your abdomen? Are you feeling uncomfortable due to nausea, vomiting, or fever? If you nodded along worriedly, you might be suffering from appendicitis. And, you need to consult an expert, experienced doctor to get it treated. Going for homeopathy too can help you obtain relief from the discomfort resulting due to appendicitis. And, if you are wondering how homeopathy can help you, give this article a read.

What Is Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is a health condition that occurs due to the inflammation of the appendix. Intense pain in the abdomen, nausea, and vomiting are some of the most common symptoms of appendicitis

Types Of Appendicitis:

There are some types of appendicitis that you should be aware of. They are mentioned below.

  • Acute Appendicitis: Acute appendicitis occurs all of a sudden. You may experience an intense course of symptoms that require surgical treatment.
  • Chronic Appendicitis: When you suffer from chronic appendicitis, you may experience a long-standing inflammation of the appendix.
  • Recurring Appendicitis: This is another type of appendicitis. If your affected appendix is not removed, there are chances that it may develop a tendency to get infected and inflamed over and over again and you may experience discomfort due to it repeatedly.

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Chronic Appendicitis:

Some patients may experience less intense symptoms of appendicitis that may happen to continue for quite a long time. They may experience abdominal pain, which may be bothersome but it’s not intense. The person may experience pain and abdominal discomfort in his right iliac fossa. The person may settle down with an antibiotics regime, but he may get a relapse. This is an indication of decreased immunity. In such circumstances, homeopathy can help you boost your immunity to a great extent and improve your relief from the inflammation of appendicitis.

Homeopathic Management:

As a matter of fact, homeopathy is quite effective in the treatment of appendicitis and provides you a great relief from its discomfort. Homeopathic medicines can promote complete recovery from the condition and boost your immunity substantially.

Homeopathic Remedies for Appendicitis:

  1. Arnica: This homeopathic remedy is recommended in septic cases, and you need to use it after a surgical operation for treating bruises.
  2. Arsenic: In the cases of appendicitis, in the septic condition when the affected individual experiences extreme weakness as well as a loss of appetite, Arsenic is indicated. Chills, diarrhea, nervous symptoms, and restlessness are some of the symptoms which may be present. The patient may feel relief by vomiting in such circumstances.
  3. Belladonna: Homeopathic remedy of Belladonna is recommended in the initial stages of appendicitis when the affected individual happens to experience severe pain in the ileocecal region as well as fever, where he is unable to tolerate even the slightest touch and prefers to lie on the back. This medicine proves quite useful. It may help you obtain relief from the complaints, such as pain, vomiting, headache, restlessness, and a raised temperature without perspiration.
  4. Bryonia: This homeopathic remedy is recommended when the pain of appendicitis tends to aggravate movements and it’s relieved by having rest or by lying on the aching side. It is indicated when the patient may experience burning pain, dislikes to be touched, would lie still with his drawn up in order to relax his affected abdominal muscles, and his pain turns worse with every breath. The affected person may experience a thirst for a lot of cold water and soreness and sensitivity in his right inguinal region.
  5. Colocynth: When the patient of appendicitis experiences intense pain, which may be cramping cutting, or twisting and a bitter taste in his mouth, colocynth is recommended as an effective homeopathic remedy. They may feel better due to the warmth and by pressure.
  6. Ferrum Phos: Ferrum Phos is a highly useful and effective homeopathic remedy for obtaining great relief from the inflammation occurring in the appendicular region.
  7. Iris Tenax: Iris Tenax is another well-known homeopathic remedy for appendicitis. It is indicated when the patient experiences pain in the right inguinal region and, on applying pressure, and extreme tenderness.

Also Read: Complications of Appendicitis

  1. Merc Sol: Merc sol is indicated the local symptoms occurring due to appendicitis are acute. When the patient suffers from a dry and red tongue, fever, a flushed face, no relief from perspiration, hard and painful swelling along with salivation from the mouth, Merc sol is indicated.
  2. Lachesis: When the pain due to appendicitis is aggravated and the acute liver pain extends to the stomach, Lachesis is indicated. When you experience sensitiveness over the abdomen, from the inflamed area downwards and backward to the thighs, Lachesis is indicated. The person feels better as he lies on the back by drawing his knees up.
  3. Plumbum Met: When a person with appendicitis experiences an intense swelling in the right inguinal area and pain on any movement or touch, Plumbum Met is indicated. Vomiting and eructation of gas both expelling a fecal odor and retracted abdominal walls are some symptoms that indicate Plumbum Met.
  4. Lycopodium: Lycopodium is a homeopathic remedy that is indicated when an acute attack of appendicitis happened to have had occurs. It is recommended to curb the recurrence of appendicitis attacks.
  5. Natrum Sulph: Natrum Sulph is known for treating and curing several cases which resemble the initial stage of appendicitis. It is indicated when the patient experiences tenderness and pain in the entire abdomen, colic, flatulence, cutting, stitching, and tearing pain through the abdomen.
  6. Rhus Tox: Rhus Tox is indicated when there is an extensive swelling occurring over the appendicular area leading to intense pain and incessant restlessness. It is also recommended in septic conditions. When the patient experiences a bruised sensation that transverse from the cecum to the colon, tenderness on the application of pressure, vomiting along with painful bloody discharges, and cutting, persistent, colicky pains, Rhus Tox is indicated. This remedy is also indicated when the patient suffers from diarrhea or dysentery accompanied by terrible staining prior to, at the time of, and after the stools.
  7. Phosphorus: The development of yellow, brown spots or petechia on the abdomen, face turns pale in peritoneum disease, and red face in articular affections indicates phosphorus. The patient feels better by taking a cold.
  8. Sulfur: Sulfur is another effective homeopathic remedy that can use as an intercurrent remedy in order to complete the cure.

So, if you happen to suffer any time from chronic or recurrent appendicitis, you can go for homeopathy without a second thought.

-Written by Dr. Swapnil Naik, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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  1. नमस्ते सर,
    सर मेरा बेटा 3 साल का है उसे 6.7mm अप्पेंडिक्स है क्या उसका अप्पेंडिक्स होमियोपैथी दवा से ठीक हो जायेगा,होमियोपैथी दवा से ठीक होने मे कितना समय लगेगा ।
    कृपया उचित मार्ग दर्सन दे।

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