How Homeopathy Helps Women with PCOD And Restore Normal Hormones Levels

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent endocrine condition with a range of metabolic and reproductive features that affects women in their reproductive years. PCOS is a health condition that affects 4% to 12% of females of reproductive age.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a complicated ovarian disorder resulting due to a hormonal imbalance. The ovary matures with numerous sacs every month, and these sacs ripen to release eggs. In polycystic ovaries, many more of these sorts of sacs form. And, the sacs are unable to mature adequately and release eggs. Multiple tiny cysts in the ovaries are typically seen on USG when there is no ovulation.

Increased levels of testosterone and estrogen cause hirsutism, acne, lengthy or nonexistent menstrual periods, and obesity as a result of hormone level fluctuations. Insulin resistance will develop as a result of hormone changes. Period issues, inability to become pregnant, excessive hair growth, weight gain, and acne are all symptoms of the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

It affects women of reproductive age, that is, between menarche (the start of menstruation) and menopause (permanent physiological stoppage of menstruation).


Symptoms of PCOD:

Symptoms may differ from patient to patient. Not every patient exhibits all of these symptoms. Patients who exhibit more than five to six of the signs and symptoms of PCOD listed below should be evaluated and further investigated.

The signs and symptoms include:

  • Menstrual irregularities: Related to a lack of ovulation
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can make women miss or have fewer periods (fewer than eight in a year). Alternatively, their cycles may occur every 21 days or more frequently.
  • Menstrual bleeding is really heavy.
  • PCOD ladies have a hard time reducing weight.
  • Hair growth that is excessive on the face, chin, or other regions of the body where males normally have hair. This is referred to as “hirsutism.” Up to 70% of women with PCOS suffer from hirsutism.
  • Acne
  • Small extra flaps of skin in the armpits or neck are known as skin tags
  • Hair thinning excessively. Dark areas in the skin creases such as the neck, crotch, and under the breast.
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Reduced libido
  • Fatigue
  • Androgen & Cholesterol levels are high


Causes of PCOD:

  • A higher insulin level is a major factor in the development of PCOS. Insulin is a hormone generated by the human pancreas that allows the body’s cells to use sugar as their major source of energy. When the body’s cells grow resistant to the action of insulin, the body generates more insulin, which raises blood sugar levels. There is a hormonal imbalance in the body at this time, and excess insulin may enhance androgen production, interfering with the usual ovulation cycle and resulting in PCOS.
  • If there is a family history of PCOS, there is a good probability that it will be passed on to the following generation, as genetics and genetic factors play a big role in the causes of PCOD.
  • Low-grade inflammation refers to the synthesis of chemicals by white blood cells (WBCs) to combat infection. According to studies, women with PCOS have a low-grade inflammation that aids in the stimulation of the polycystic ovaries to produce androgens, which can cause blood vessel and cardiac issues.
  • If the ovaries produce a lot of androgens, the risk of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and the risk of the development of acne and hirsutism increases.


PCOD Treatment in Homeopathy

The treatment in homeopathy is tailored to the individual. Homeopathy does not have any specific remedies for estrogen dominance, insufficient progesterone, or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Homeopathy takes a distinct approach to problems, thereby treating them holistically. Hormone imbalance also leads to a variety of emotional disturbances. Hormones can alter mood and behavior. Additional tension may arise as a result of an increase in weight and skin concerns, such as acne, or facial hair. A person with a hormonal imbalance can be treated with homeopathy gently and safely. Homeopathy can help manage both emotional and physical problems. Several homeopathic treatments match the symptom description of people suffering from hormone imbalance.


Can Homeopathy Treat PCOS Permanently

Warts on the skin are treated with homeopathic medication, which can aid in treating PCOD. Instead of targeting hormones, PCOD Treatment in Homeopathy focuses on the cysts. Cysts can be reduced in size and eventually eliminated with homeopathic treatment. This treatment is the most effective since it addresses the issue at its source. In many situations, the cysts never reoccur, and the patient experiences complete recovery from the condition.

The majority of homeopathic remedies aid in the normalization of the menstrual cycle. This includes reducing the number of cysts and preventing aberrant uterine wall thickening. As a result, the homeopathic medication reduces the risk of uterine cancer resulting due to PCOD.


Homeopathic Medicines for PCOD:

Here’s a list of homeopathic medicines for PCOD.

  1. Natrum Mur: PCOS can present itself in a variety of ways in different women. Period irregularity and suppression are two of the most prevalent PCOS symptoms. Natrum Mur is a potent treatment for this ailment. Women who are attempting to conceive but have been unsuccessful may also benefit. 
  1. Pulsatilla: This is a useful medicine if your PCOS has caused you to have very scanty periods. Your periods may arrive after a long period and be quite painful. A lack of thirst and a desire to be in the open air all the time are two symptoms that the patient would experience. 
  1. Sepia: Among the numerous homeopathic medicines for PCOD, Sepia is the most commonly given medication due to its multiple benefits. It is useful not only in correcting irregular and short periods but also in lowering the inflammation of the ovaries resulting due to cysts. Symptoms of mental irritation and sensitivity to chilly air have been reported in cases when Sepia has been administered.

Instead of treating the symptoms of PCOS superficially, homeopathy concentrates on addressing and correcting the root cause of the condition. This is why homeopathic treatment necessitates patience. The duration of homeopathic PCOS treatment varies based on the severity of the problem. PCOS can undoubtedly be handled if you follow your homeopathic specialist’s recommendations and practice constancy in your therapy.



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