Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN or TGN), also known as tic douloureux/ Fothergill’s disease/ Prosopalgia is a painful disorder that affects the fifth cranial nerve causing stabbing, electric-shock-like pain that bursts in the whole face. In trigeminal neuralgia patients, everything from the forehead, upper-lower jaw, lips, nose, scalp, and eyes hurt. This type of pain is neuropathic. Even though they may occur periodically throughout the day, the pain attacks normally last for a few seconds. Recurring attacks can last for several days, weeks, or even months at a period before disappearing for a similar length of time.


In trigeminal neuralgia, the nerve, which is a carrier of sensation from the face to the brain, is affected. Patients may feel excruciating discomfort even from a little facial stimulation, such as tooth brushing, putting on cosmetics, or brushing. At first, you may endure mild, brief attacks of the trigeminal neuralgia, but it can deteriorate and result in longer, more frequent bursts of excruciating pain.


The trigeminal nerve, which has three divisions and is the largest of the twelve cranial nerves, includes the top of the face, comprising the forehead, upper eyelid, and cornea is covered by the ophthalmic division. All facial features in the center, such as the cheeks, nose, and upper lip, are under the mamillary division. The lower half of the face, including the lower lip and jaw, is covered by the mandibular division. Although the condition is rarely life-threatening, it can affect the quality of life negatively and cause chronic pain syndrome, which often interferes with everyday activities and in some people may cause depression.


Types of Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • There are two varieties of trigeminal neuralgia: Compression of a nerve, usually near the base of the skull where the brain and spinal cord converge, is the primary cause of primary trigeminal neuralgia. Contact between a healthy artery or vein is what causes it. Typically, the trigeminal nerve and the bottom of the brain. Primary TN develops when a tumor squeezes the nerve as it leaves the brain, resulting in aberrant nerve activity.
  • The strain on the nerve resulting due to a tumor, cyst, facial injury, or any other disorders that harm the myelin sheath protecting the nerve cells is known as secondary trigeminal neuralgia.


Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia frequently has an unknown cause since the cause is not yet understood. Trigeminal neuralgia can, however, occur as a result of various illnesses and circumstances. On rare occasions, tumors, aneurysms, or nearby blood arteries may stress the nerve. Inflammatory causes of systemic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis, and Lyme disease contribute to trigeminal neuralgia. Moreover, trigeminal neuralgia and vascular disorders of the collagen share a link, such as scleroderma and systemic lupus erythematosus.


Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The pain due to trigeminal neuralgia hurts and has an electric shock-like sensation. It could get worse with slight contact, chewing, or exposure to the cold in the mouth. During an attack, those who are affected, cover their faces to avoid being touched. People with many other pain conditions, such as toothaches, frequently massage or hold their faces to relieve pain, making this an essential diagnostic cue. Though they might only experience one pain attack, they might also feel sudden, intense pain frequently—one every few hours or perhaps just once every few seconds. The person has no symptoms in between bouts, and the discomfort completely subsides.


The person feels no symptoms in between episodes. People, however, sometimes become fairly irate out of worry that the agonizing ache can return. Unlike migraines, which typically wake a person up, rarely does trigeminal neuralgia occur while a person is asleep.


If the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia are noted, a doctor will examine the patient’s face to identify the areas that are afflicted. Neuralgia cannot be diagnosed with any tests. Only if another underlying problem, such as a tumor or sinusitis, is suspected in the face or cerebral regions, an MRI or CT scan is performed. A blood vessel that is contacting the trigeminal neuralgia may be visible on an MRI. For long-lasting benefits, one might treat this condition with homeopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia treatment.

Triggers for Trigeminal Neuralgia

The TN pain may strike out of nowhere and continue for a few seconds or several minutes. Periodic pain is present. Untreated discomfort may linger for a few hours, rendering the patient practically immobile and making it unlikely that they will be able to engage in any other activity. Therefore, it would be necessary to tightly grip the damaged area. Trigeminal Neuralgia homoeopathic treatment minimizes the attacks and soothes the condition.

The following triggers may frequently make the discomfort worse:

  • Gargling and brushing
  • Facial contact
  • Talking or Kissing
  • Little breeze or air draught
  • Blinking or moving the eyelids


Homeopathy for Trigeminal Neuralgia

In comparison to traditional medicine, homeopathy treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia is the safest option.  In the majority of cases of trigeminal neuralgia, homeopathy is beneficial. The numerous resistant Trigeminal Neuralgia patients can also be successfully treated with homeopathy.


It is a risk-free, non-toxic treatment that does not conflict with any other medications. The fundamental cause of nerve injury is under control with homeopathic medicines. Every patient is assessed based on their particular case history, and the appropriate solution is chosen after doing a thorough examination of each instance. Aurum metallicum, Phosphorous, Silicea, Spigelia, and Mezereum are some of the medications used for Trigeminal Neuralgia treatment.


After taking homeopathic medications, the pain’s frequency and intensity are reduced. When the person starts with the homeopathy treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia, the pain and the severity of the illness decrease in some time or weeks. After taking the medications, trigeminal neuralgia patients’ pain thresholds get better. Lowering the dose once the improvement starts helps to lessen dependence on traditional medicines. However, this should be done under the advice of a homeopathic doctor.


Homeopathy for Trigeminal Neuralgia effectively treats the condition without any negative effects when used in conjunction with good medical consultation from a licensed and skilled homeopathic practitioner. It is not advisable to take these medications unless a homeopathic doctor advises you to.


One Comment

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