Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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Case Studies

A young girl of 22 years old Miss. U.M.P (Patient Identification Number 17169) visited Life Force on 5th October 2011 for the complaint of Psoriasis. She was suffering from Psoriasis since one and half years and it was increasing since last 3 months. She was having dry, thick lesions of Psoriasis.....Read more

A 63 years old female, Mrs. S.N (Pin No. 15229) visited our center on 18th December 2010 for the complaints of Rheumatoid Arthritis and hair fall.

She had these complaints since February 2006, which was being managed by pain killers and methotrexate. In June 2010, she faced a severe rel.....Read more

This is a case of a 35 yr old lady (Patient Pin No: L- 6251) residing in the UAE. This lady came to the clinic for the treatment of Lichen Planus since the past 2 months. She had extensive eruptions on her hands, abdomen, thighs as well as her back. She complained of immense itching which was wor.....Read more

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Listen to Dr. Rajesh Shah’s insightful thoughts on vitiligo, a serious skin condition.

Alopecia Areata

Explaining Hair loss, Alopecia Areata and Male Pattern Baldness treatment, by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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