
Abhishek Rai, Uttar Pradesh, India

I really feel that treatment in Life Force is very effective. When I started my treatment in Life Force my viral load was approx 34 lacks and after a treatment of just 4 months viral load has reduced drastically to approx 1.5 lacks. Thanks to Dr. Shah and his team!!!

P. P., USA

I have responded positively to the treatment so far. I have seen great progress on my legs. The hands are stable.

S. S., India

I am on treatment since the last three and a half months and my GERD is remarkably better. I am experiencing very good improvement. Thank you Dr Shah.

Question to Dr. Shah's Team
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Case Studies

A 25 year old male Mr.P.K.R. (Personal Identification Number 20425) came to Life Force on 19 th December 2012 with a complaint of recurrent corns on both feet, since 1 year. There were two corns on the right foot and one corn on the left foot. The size of corns were less than 1 cm. He had pain on.....Read more

Mr. V.T. aged 32 years (Patient Identification Number 17682) reported to the clinic with the complaint of Vocal Cord Nodule on 7 December 2011 He was facing difficulty in speaking and he had throat pain. He was having hoarsenss of voice and his voice pitch had reduced and he couldn`t speak loudly.....Read more

A young, smart businesswoman Mrs. P. N. (Patient Identification Number - 18120) visited our Borivali centre on 31st January, 2012. She had been suffering from Verruca Plana since 15 years. She had first noticed it at the age of 13 years. But it was diagnosed 4 years back by a skin specialist. It .....Read more

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Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 3

Role of Homeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reduces Pain Intensity & Frequency of Attacks

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