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Case Studies

A 46-years-old male patient, Mr. M. S. (PIN: 37102) visited Pimpri Clinic on 9th June 2018 with the complaints of psoriasis, which he was suffering from 14 years. He had extensive psoriasis all over his body, particularly on his lower limbs, back, the upper part of thighs, scalp, and behind ears......Read more

A 33-years-old male, Mr. N.D.D. (PIN: 37051) consulted at Life Force on 3rd June 2018 for his complaint of Gall-bladder polyp. He was suffering from this complaint for the last three years. In his USG of the abdomen, gallbladder polyp was detected but there were no calculi in his gall bladder. At.....Read more

67-years-old Mr. S. L. P. (PIN 15160) visited Life Force on 4th December 2010. He was detected with Myasthenia Gravis in 2009. He had been taking the conventional medicines for the same and was feeling better.

He had searched on the internet about homeopathic treatment for his condition.....Read more

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Homeopaths must have scientific mindset, suggests Dr Rajesh Shah,MD

Cortisone is not the best treatment for Lichen planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

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