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Case Studies

Warts are benign growths of the epidermis that result due to a virus, the most common being human papillomavirus (HPV) group. Mr. S.S.A. (PIN: 40186) had been suffering from warts complaint for 5-6 years. He had 4-5 warts on his scalp. The size of the warts was moderate. His scalp was a mild itch.....Read more

Mrs. A.T. [ PIN Number L- 9504 ] aged 37 years, consulted Dr. Shah for her complaints of Trigeminal Neuralgia. She suffered from severe neuralgia which was specifically left sided.

She was suffering from the last 15 months. She had been on Tegretol 200 mg twice a day with good pain reli.....Read more

A 39-years-old businessman, Mr. D.J. aged (Patient identification number: 21391) visited Life Force on 19th July 2013 to get treated Lichen planus on his skin. He complained having hyperpigmented eruptions since one year that was increasing since two months. It was a great deal of concern as bein.....Read more

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Why should one opt for homeopathy?

Alopecia Areata

Causes of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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