Dr. Ruben Gonzalez - Florida, United StatesI would like to inform you that since I began treatment for Vitiligo with Hydrocotyle Asiatica, I have had great improvement in the pigmentation of my skin. Most spots are rapidly becoming darker.
N. G., QatarI responded well to the treatment. Improvement is seen in all problems my knees are better, still problematic, but much better, I was in better mood and more patient with my family, and less angry and aggressive. I can run well, play tennis and walk, and feel much better when excercising. Thank you so much Dr Shah for making me feel so good.
A. R. M., Puerto RicoWithin 15 days of starting the treatment, the lichen planus spots on my wrists, where it all started, disappeared. The ones on the knees and ankles also disappeared. The dark spot of LP in between my buttocks is getting lighter. As the nails grow, they seem to be growing better and free off the lichen planus. The older ones have been fading, I’ve taken the medicine following your instructions. I’m very happy with your treatment and thankful to Dr Shah. I went to my doctor and he could not believe how the lichen planus is getting better.