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Case Studies

Mr. R. G (Patient Ref. No. L-4112) a 35 years old male patient reported to the clinic with complaints of bleeding with stools and painful defecation(passing of stools) since 2 days. He had severe pricking pain in the rectum and this would be worsened while passing stools and when sitting. The pai.....Read more

Parents of an 11 Year old girl residing in Allentown, PA, USA named Ms. S. S (Patient Identification Number -21100) started online treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome on 11th Of August 2012.

She was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for the past 5 years. Her complaints st.....Read more

A 77 years old patient Mr. S.P. (Patient Identification number 14830) visited Life Force Center on September 14th 2010 for the treatment of his trigeminal neuralgia. He was suffering with the neuralgia since 5 months He would get stabbing type of pain only while gargling but not while eating. He .....Read more

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Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

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