Homeopathic Medicine List with Disease

Homeopathic medicines are distinct in the way they are prepared and applied. A small presentation by Life Force about sources of homeopathic medicines

We shall discuss homeopathic medicines in terms of the following points :

(A) Source
(B) Method of preparation
(C) Therapeutic application
(D) Adverse effects
(E) Commonly used homeopathic medicines

A. Source:

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from the following 6 major sources :

  • Plant kingdom: About 60% of homeopathic medicines are prepared from one or more parts of plants. The whole plant or some parts of it, such as leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, and berries, may be used in the preparation of the medicines. All types of plants, benign, poisonous, and carnivorous, have been used as homeopathic medicines.
    Common plant-based homeopathic medicines are Pulsatilla nigra, Bryonia alba, Aconite napellus, Belladona, Gelsemium, Coffea cruda, Rhus Toxicodendron, etc. Some examples include:
    •  Arnica (Arnica montana): Arnica is commonly used for treating injuries, bruises, and muscle soreness. It is obtained from the arnica plant.
    • Chamomilla (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile is known for its calming properties and is used in homeopathy for conditions involving irritability, teething in infants, and digestive issues.
    • Nux vomica (Strychnos nux-vomica): Derived from the seeds of the strychnine tree, Nux vomica is used for digestive issues, hangovers, and irritability.
    • Pulsatilla nigra: It is derived from the plant known as Windflower or Pasque flower. The fresh flower is used to make the remedy. Pulsatilla one of the top 20 homeopathic remedies is effective for those feeling emotionally sensitive and tearful. It is highly beneficial for conditions worsened by warmth and improved by fresh air. It is commonly used for hormonal imbalances and symptoms like menstrual irregularities and colds with thick, yellow-green discharge.
    • Bryonia alba: Bryonia alba in the homeopathic medicine list, is prepared from a plant known as White Bryony, the root of this climbing plant is used for preparation. It is suitable for complaints that are aggravated by movement and better by rest. It is often used for respiratory issues, such as dry coughs, and digestive problems like constipation, accompanied by a great thirst for large quantities of water.
    • Aconite napellus: It is prepared from plant Wolfs bane or Monks wood. It is best for sudden onset conditions triggered by shock or exposure to cold wind. Aconite napellus is effective for high fevers, acute inflammation, and anxiety attacks, often when symptoms present abruptly and intensely.
    • Pulsatilla nigra: It is derived from the plant known as Windflower or Pasque flower. The fresh flower is used to make the remedy. Pulsatilla one of the top 20 homeopathic remedies is effective for those feeling emotionally sensitive and tearful. It is highly beneficial for conditions worsened by warmth and improved by fresh air. It is commonly used for hormonal imbalances and symptoms like menstrual irregularities and colds with thick, yellow-green discharge.
    • Bryonia alba: Bryonia alba in the homeopathic medicine list, it is prepared from a plant known as White Bryony, the root of this climbing plant is used for preparation. It is suitable for complaints that are aggravated by movement and better by rest. It is often used for respiratory issues, such as dry coughs, and digestive problems like constipation, accompanied by a great thirst for large quantities of water.
    • Aconite napellus: It is prepared from plant Wolfs bane or Monks wood. It is best for sudden onset conditions triggered by shock or exposure to cold wind. Aconite napellus is effective for high fevers, acute inflammation, and anxiety attacks, often when symptoms present abruptly and intensely.
  • Mineral kingdom: Approximately 20% of homeopathic medicines are prepared from minerals, including metals, non-metals, and their compounds. Some of the medicines prepared using minerals are Aurum metallicum (gold), Kali carbonicum (potassium), Natrum muriaticum (common salt), and Silica (sand). The therapeutic properties of almost all known metals and non-metals and many important compounds have been exploited in homeopathy. Here are some examples of homeopathic remedies derived from the mineral kingdom:​
    • Calcarea carbonica (Calcium carbonate): This remedy is derived from the inner layer of oyster shells. It is commonly used in homeopathy for conditions such as slow development in children, teething problems, and issues related to the bones and joints.
    • Phosphorus: Derived from the element phosphorus, this remedy is used in homeopathy for conditions involving the nervous system, respiratory system, and digestive system.
    • Sulfur: Sulfur is a mineral commonly used in homeopathy for skin conditions, itching, and certain respiratory issues. It is prepared from the element sulfur.
    • Aurum metallicum (Gold): It is derived from metallic gold, it is finely chopped into a powder form and then the medicine is prepared wherein the mixture undergoes a series of dilutions and succussion. Aurum metallicum is used for deep depression, feelings of worthlessness, and suicidal thoughts. It is highly beneficial for heart conditions, bone pain, and headaches that worsen at night. It is indicated for those who are highly ambitious and experience intense grief or disappointment.
    • Kali carbonicum (Potassium): It is prepared from potassium carbonate. The potassium carbonate is dissolved in water or alcohol to prepare the medicine. It is indicated for respiratory issues with stitching pains, chronic sinusitis, and asthma. Kali carb is suitable for individuals who are rigid, conservative, and prone to back pain, especially in the lower back. It is often used for digestive problems and swelling.
    • Natrum muriaticum (Common Salt): It is derived from sodium chloride/table salt. The salt is dissolved in water to form a solution and this solution undergoes repeated dilutions and succussion. homeopathy medicine list with disease ,this remedy is effective for emotional distress, particularly from grief or rejection. Natrum mur is used for headaches, particularly migraines, and conditions involving dryness, such as dry skin or constipation.
    • Aurum metallicum (Gold): It is derived from metallic gold, it is finely chopped into a powder form and then the medicine is prepared wherein the mixture undergoes a series of dilutions and succussion. Aurum metallicum is used for deep depression, feelings of worthlessness, and suicidal thoughts. It is highly beneficial for heart conditions, bone pain, and headaches that worsen at night. It is indicated for those who are highly ambitious and experience intense grief or disappointment.
    • Kali carbonicum (Potassium): It is prepared from potassium carbonate. The potassium carbonate is dissolved in water or alcohol to prepare the medicine. It is indicated for respiratory issues with stitching pains, chronic sinusitis, and asthma. Kali carb is suitable for individuals who are rigid, conservative, and prone to back pain, especially in the lower back. It is often used for digestive problems and swelling.
    • Natrum muriaticum (Common Salt): It is derived from sodium chloride/table salt. The salt is dissolved in water to form a solution and this solution undergoes repeated dilutions and succussion. homeopathy medicine listed with the disease, this remedy is effective for emotional distress, particularly from grief or rejection. Natrum mur is used for headaches, particularly migraines, and conditions involving dryness, such as dry skin or constipation.
  • Animal kingdom: Some homeopathic medicines are derived from certain animal products, which are obtained without killing animals. Animal products, such as snake poison, spider poison, etc., are used in extremely minute doses to prepare homeopathic medicines.
    Examples include Tarantula hispania, Lachesis, Ambra gresia, Bufo rana, and Naja naja.
    • Apis mellifica (Honeybee): This remedy is prepared from the venom of the honeybee. It is commonly used in homeopathy for conditions involving swelling, redness, and stinging pain, such as insect bites or allergic reactions.
    • Cantharis (Spanish Fly): Made from the insect known as the Spanish fly, Cantharis is used in homeopathy for conditions involving burning pain, particularly in the urinary and reproductive systems.
    • Sepia (Inky Juice of the Cuttlefish): Sepia is derived from the inky juice of the cuttlefish. It is used in homeopathy for conditions related to hormonal imbalance, fatigue, and reproductive issues.
    • Tarentula hispania: Tarentula hispanica is prepared from venom of Spanish tarantula. The venom is extracted and then diluted in alcohol which undergoes dilutions and succussion. homeopathic medicine listed with disease, this remedy is useful for individuals exhibiting significant hyperactivity and restlessness. Tarentula is often used in cases of severe agitation, anxiety, and aggressive outbursts. It is also beneficial for treating nerve pain, muscle spasms, and a heightened response to music or rhythm.
    • Lachesis: It is derived from venom of Lachesis muta, bushmaster snake. The venom is collected and mixed with alcohol which is further subjected to repeated dilutions. This is the appropriate remedy for circulatory issues and symptoms that intensify after sleeping, like hot flashes, headaches, and throat infections.  It is commonly used for throat complaints and relieves constriction and choking sensations in the throat.
    • Tarentula hispania: Tarentula hispanica is prepared from venom of Spanish tarantula. The venom is extracted and then diluted in alcohol which undergoes dilutions and succussion. homeopathic medicine listed with disease, this remedy is useful for individuals exhibiting significant hyperactivity and restlessness. Tarentula is often used in cases of severe agitation, anxiety, and aggressive outbursts. It is also beneficial for treating nerve pain, muscle spasms, and a heightened response to music or rhythm.
    • Lachesis: It is derived from venom of Lachesis muta, bushmaster snake. The venom is collected and mixed with alcohol which is further subjected to repeated dilutions. This is the appropriate remedy for circulatory issues and symptoms that intensify after sleeping, like hot flashes, headaches, and throat infections.  It is commonly used for throat complaints and relieves constriction and choking sensations in the throat.
  • Diseased tissues: Some homeopathic medicines are prepared using tissues or secretions containing bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Thus, homeopathy advocated the therapeutic use of minuscule amounts of microorganisms long before the introduction of vaccines. Some commonly used homeopathic medicines prepared in this manner include Tuberculinum, Syphillinum, and Variolinum. Here are a few examples:
    • Psorinum (Scabies Nosode): Prepared from the scabies mite, Psorinum is used in homeopathy for skin conditions, itching, and certain chronic diseases. It is believed to address a "psoric" state, which is associated with chronic skin issues.
    • Medorrhinum (Gonorrhea Nosode): Derived from the gonorrhea bacterium, Medorrhinum is used in homeopathy for conditions related to the genitourinary system, including reproductive and hormonal issues. It is associated with a miasmatic state called sycosis.
  • Hormones and healthy tissues: Healthy human/animal tissues and secretions are also used to prepare homeopathic medicines. Examples of such medicines areThyroidinum and Adrenaline.
    • Thyroidinum (Thyroid Gland): Prepared from the thyroid gland of animals, Thyroidinum is used in homeopathy for conditions related to thyroid dysfunction. It may be recommended for symptoms such as fatigue, weight issues, and emotional disturbances.
    • Adrenalinum (Adrenal Gland): Derived from the adrenal gland, Adrenalinum is used in homeopathy for conditions related to stress and adrenal fatigue. It may be considered for symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and stress-induced conditions.
  • Imponderables: Certain energy sources, such as magnetism, x-ray, radiation, etc., are also used to prepare homeopathic medicines. Here are a few examples of imponderable remedies:
    • Sol (Sunlight): Sol is prepared from the energetic essence of sunlight. It may be used in homeopathy for conditions related to light sensitivity, mood disorders, and other sunlight-related issues.
    • Luna (Moonlight): Luna is prepared from the energetic essence of moonlight. It may be considered for conditions related to lunar influences, such as menstrual issues and emotional imbalances.


B. Method of preparation: Potentization:

Homeopathic medicines are essentially nano-medicines. The original drug substance is used in extremely minute quantities to prepare a given homeopathic medicine. The method of preparing homeopathic medicines is called potentization; in this method, one part of the original drug substance (say, 0.1 mg of a plant extract) is mixed with 99 parts (9.9 mg) of a suitable carrier (say alcohol) and shaken vigorously by a special device that converts the preparation into the 1c potency. One part (0.1 mg) of the 1c preparation is then mixed with 99 parts (9.9 mg) of the carrier and the process of potentization is repeated to prepare the 2c potency. This process is continued until the required potency is reached. Homeopathic medicines are available in certain standard potencies such as 30c, 100c, 200c, 1000c, 10K, and 50K.

C. Application of homeopathic medicines:

The therapeutic application of homeopathic medicines is based on the Law of Similars. All homeopathic medicines are tested on humans, by a method that is similar to clinical trials, before use. The clinical use of these medicines is governed by specific tried-and-tested laws and principles.

D. Adverse effects of homeopathic medicines:

Since only minuscule amounts of the original drug substance are used, homeopathic medicines, essentially, do not cause any adverse effects.

E. Common medicines used for various diseases:

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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