Homeopathy Clinic in Mulund, Mumbai

Life Force Homeopathy (Mulund)


 112/113, A-wing, Hallmark,
Vasant Oscar Complex, LBS Marg,
Nahur Village, Mulund (W)
Mumbai - 400080, India
Phone: +91-8652582655,7208943804
Email: mulund@lifeforce.in
Time: Tuesday - Saturday: 11:00 AM to 08:00 PM, Sunday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Monday Closed)

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Dr Rajesh Shah

Qualification: MD

Experience:  39+ Years

Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Homeopathy), is a renowned Mumbai-based homeopath, recognized for treating patients from 180 countries, including celebrities and underprivileged individuals. Skeptical about homeopathy’s scientific basis in 1996, he began rigorous research, developing new drugs and conducting trials. His work on New Drug Discovery and nosodes, including BiosimCovex (COVID-19 Nosode), has provided scientific validation for homeopathy. He has received the National Award (India, 2015) and Zayed International Award (UAE, 2022).


Dr Varsha


Dr Varsha is an alumna of Yerala Medical Trust and Research Centre (Mumbai) from where she completed her Diploma in 1999 and further studied at ICR (Institute of Clinical Research) gaining experience with patients from rural as well as urban locations. Dr Varsha has been an efficient Associate Dr for Dr Rajesh Shah who has been contributing her services to Lifeforce since 2017. Her expertise is in handling patients with chronic and difficult auto-immune conditions under the guidance of Dr. Rajesh Shah. She firmly believes that for chronic psychological and autoimmune conditions, homeopathy plays an excellent role, along with necessary lifestyle, dietary changes, and other therapies whenever necessary, and educates every patient about it. Also, she has written several case studies and blogs. Other than homeopathy, she loves traveling, reading, art, and meditation, and strongly believes in positive and holistic living.


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Dr. Rajesh Shah Research Work

Case Studies

Ms. A.K. (PIN: 20976), who was three years five months of age, visited Life Force with her parents on 18th April 2013. She had developed milky white spots on her upper and lower lips from one month. She had experienced itching just once. When examined under the Wood’s lamp, it was confirmed.....Read more

A 10 years old young girl (Patient Identification Number 16592) visited Life Force center on 30th July 2011 for the treatment of Vitiligo.

She had few and very recent sporadic spots of Vitiligo on the right leg. It was about ten days prior that her parents got notice of these spots.....Read more

38 years old working-mother, Mrs. S. V. N. (Patient identification number - 21582) visited our clinic on 3rd September 2013. She was suffering from Eczema on right side of her abdomen since past 15 days. She had 3 small sporadic spots of eczema. She experienced mild itching. There was no redness .....Read more

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About Homeopathy Treatment in Hindi

Causes of Vitiligo & Theories Responsible for Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

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