By Dr Rajesh Shah, M.D. (Information for patients and conventional doctors)
The doctors of conventional medicine are usually not trained to have a pragmatic view of homeopathy. As a result, without their fault, many conventional doctors have a view of homeopathy which may be far from what is being called for. This is true with the doctors in most countries.
Why is it so?
The conventional medical view on homeopathy is supported by one or more of the following reasons:
- Lack of orientation or knowledge about homeopathy
- Lack of experience with homeopathy
- Unwillingness to review homeopathy
The entire conventional medical training is centered on understanding more and more about the smallest units of the human body. There has been a greater success than ever before. However, in the process, the totalistic philosophy is jeopardized. Conventional doctors are not trained to look around and incorporate the wisdom of another system of medicine.
Lack of knowledge about homeopathy:
The conventional doctors (called allopathic doctors in some countries) end up having a lack of knowledge about the following aspects of homeopathy and homeopathic education:
- They are often ignorant about the fact that when conventional medicine was unpolished and cruel (late 18th century).
- That homeopathy took birth in Germany, introduced by the doctor of medicine at that time, who was frustrated with bloodletting and ill practice in medicine, which has now developed into conventional medicine.
- Homeopathy is taught as a medical course, almost identical to conventional medicine, except the subject of conventional pharmacopeia (in many countries.)
- In other words, homeopathic education is not different than conventional 'medical' education, except for the line of treatment.
- That homeopathy is a different treatment modality, not a different understating of the human body!
- Homeopathy works for chronic diseases, where conventional medicine has limitations.
- Disease investigational parameters are the same for homeopathic science.
- That homeopathy is a medical science! (How ironic that one stream of medical science has no introduction to the other stream.)
- That all forms of medical systems are nothing but parts of science viewed and applied in different manners. This is true with conventional medicine and homeopathy.
- That surgery is also a part of homeopathy. Homeopathy is just a specialized medicinal therapeutics whereby medicines are administered with a different philosophy. At the same time, all other treatment modalities remain the same, which include investigations, diagnostic procedures (biopsy, MRI), surgical measures, medical procedures (dialysis, intravenous supplements, ventilators), and other supplementary therapies.
- Most conventional doctors do not study the fundamentals of homeopathy and hence do not know whatsoever about this faculty, which has survived for over 210 years. As a result, they end up criticizing homeopathy without prior comprehension.
- That homeopathy is a faculty with great therapeutic scope, which is not yet a fully developed science. Anyway, which science is fully developed?
Lack of experience:
Medical science per se is based on empirical know-how to start with. Conventional doctors due, for many reasons, fail to gain experience using homeopathy. Any criticism without personal experience is bound to be groundless.
Some of the conventional doctors who are either open-minded and hence opt for having experience using homeopathic medicines, either for themselves or for their family members, end up having positive views. Those who do not manage to have first-hand experience end up missing out on the benefits for themselves, their families as well as their patients.
One will have experience either out of knowledge or need. If you know, you will make use of it. Some conventional doctors, who would have opposed homeopathy all life due to a closed-minded attitude, might suddenly come across a situation where someone dear and near would need alternative medicine for a disease not treatable using the conventional treatment. And the doors open forever. However, there are people who keep the doors rigidly shut and would never let them open!
Unwillingness to try homeopathy:
In the age of information technology, the most pitiable state is to get information but still not try out of prejudice. This is true with many conventional medical professionals, as the mindset is so prejudiced that they are unwilling to try new science. This is largely due to a lack of exposure to homeopathy at medical schools.
So, how does it matter?
The question is, does it matter if conventional doctors do not understand homeopathy? Well, it matters little if a few million doctors turn their backs to homeopathy. What matters more is when:
01 They do not guide patients who need help for chronic diseases, where the conventional treatment would not work well.
02 When, simply due to ignorance, they discourage those patients who have done better homework about homeopathy and are willing to opt for it.
It is unwise to let billions suffer due to the ignorance of a million. Patients suffering from many chronic diseases worldwide remain deprived of the benefits of homeopathy simply because homeopathy was not taught at conventional medical schools. Misconceptions, ignorance, and bias about homeopathy can be detrimental to the patients treated by conventional doctors.
What is the solution?
The openness of mind is a solution. Conventional medical schools all over the world can easily integrate short courses (introductory and advanced) as a part of regular training. Those already in practice could be exposed to homeopathy as a part of CME and continued medical education. This will help the physician in particular and the suffering of humanity in general.
Video Links: Here are a couple of videos by Dr Shah; in these videos, Dr Shah, explains what conventional doctors need to know about homeopathy
Till then, let us learn to keep our senses open.
© This article is written by Dr Rajesh Shah, M.D., for the information of patients and conventional doctors.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)