: Frequently Asked Questions

About Dr Rajesh Shah
Is it possible to meet Dr Rajesh Shah personally at Life Force? What is the procedure?

Yes, Dr Rajesh Shah is available for consultation with a prior appointment at Chembur clinic from Monday through Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm.

If I opt for Online treatment at Life Force, will my case be studied by Dr Rajesh Shah?

Yes, Dr Rajesh Shah also personally reviews all online cases.

Can I talk to Dr Rajesh Shah over the phone during the course of treatment?

Our system allows all registered patients to communicate with one of Dr Shah's associate doctors. If your case demands your talking to Dr Shah is necessary, you will be given a telephonic apportionment to talk to Dr Shah.

Does Dr Rajesh Shah make himself available for consultation during his travels in other countries?

Depending on the time availability, Dr Shah likes to see some of the patients wherever he travels. The intimation is sent to our patients from that country or state before Dr Shah's scheduled visits.

About homeopathy
Why do you recommend homeopathy?

Homeopathy is recommended because it treats, especially chronic diseases, at a deeper level giving lasting relief as compared to the conventional medicines which give temporary relief in most chronic diseases.

Which diseases are treated well with homeopathy?

Homeopathy is more effective for chronic and recurring diseases such as allergies, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, skin diseases, chronic infections, muscular diseases, metabolic diseases, psycho-somatic diseases, etc. To name some of the hundreds of diseases where homeopathy could prove effective: Allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, vitiligo, lichen planus, urticaria, migraine, sinusitis, frequent colds, autism, ankylosing spondylitis, IBS, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis c, ADHD, underactive thyroid, psoriatic arthritis, Chalazion, anxiety disorders, depression, GERD, hair loss, trigeminal neuralgia, and many more. Please click here to see a larger list of diseases.

Which diseases cannot be treated using homeopathy?

Homeopathy may not be useful or may have a limited effect in critical conditions such as severe infections, severe high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, severe painful conditions, truly surgical diseases, diseases with irreversible changes in the body, and many more. It all depends on the stage and extent of the disease.

How do I know if homeopathy can help my disease?

A well-qualified and experienced homeopathic doctor can decide if your disease can be helped with homeopathy or not. Please explore this page to see the list of diseases, which can be helped using homeopathy. Please also explore Dr Rajesh Shah's videos. Also, you can send us an e-mail or chat with our doctors online at Life Force for getting an idea if your disease is treatable using homeopathy or not.

What is homeopathy and how is it different than other modes of treatments?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine found in Germany in 1796 and currently in practice in over 100 countries, including all states in the United States, all of Europe, Australia, most Asian countries, the middle and far-East, and Africa. It is different from conventional medicine (also called allopathy) in several ways. Basically, homeopathy believes in treating the patient as a whole, in totality, rather than treating the disease in parts. Also, the homeopathic medicines are in the potentized form, which is like nano-particles, which makes the recovery of the disease effective yet safe.

Which diseases are treated well with homeopathy?

Homeopathy is more effective for chronic and recurring diseases such as allergies, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, skin diseases, chronic infections, muscular diseases, metabolic diseases, psychosomatic diseases, etc. To name some of the hundreds of diseases where homeopathy could prove effective: Allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, vitiligo, lichen planus, urticaria, migraine, sinusitis, frequent colds, autism, ankylosing spondylitis, IBS, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis c, ADHD, underactive thyroid, psoriatic arthritis, chalazion, anxiety disorders, depression, GERD, hair loss, trigeminal neuralgia, and many more. Please click here to see a larger list of diseases.

Is homeopathy slow to act?

Homeopathy is relatively slow to act many times, but not always, as compared to chemical-based convention medicines. In acute conditions homeopathy has been found to be fast-acting when monitored closed. 

If homeopathy is slow to act, why do you recommend homeopathy?

Well, when it comes to the treatment for chronic diseases, it is not important if the treatment is fast or slow; what is more important is to have a long-term and lasting solution; rather than the treatment which works quickly but for a short time. It is like a hare and tortoise story. Homeopathy wins there!

Is homeopathy safe?

Homeopathy is almost always safe due to the nature of medicines if prescribed by a qualified homeopathic doctor. It is safe for babies, pregnant females, and elderly people.

Is homeopathy scientific?

Homeopathic efficacy has been proven in many placebo-controlled (RCTs) scientific clinical trials. If you search on the net, you will find many scientific papers published about homeopathy research in international, peer-reviewed journals.

Why didn't my family doctor (GP) suggest me homeopathy?

Most conventional family doctors (GP) are not trained in homeopathy; so they are unaware of the benefits of homeopathy. However, the trend is changing. If you wish to take the advantage of homeopathy, you have to take a lead and research; and also motivate your doctor to study homeopathy. You cannot afford to be deprived of the benefits of homeopathy simply due to the ignorance of your doctor! After all, you need to be treated and get well; not your doctor.

Why some conventional doctors have unfriendly attitude about homeopathy?

This bias about homeopathy is due to a lack of training and experience about homeopathy. In fact, at Life Force, we treat a large number of conventional doctors from many countries who approach us for homeopathic treatment. Medical education as of today is not yet most evolved. The most evolved medical education will have all forms of treatments (including homeopathy) taught to the doctors.

Can I take homeopathy if I am taking other (conventional, allopathic) medicines?

Yes, of course. Both kinds of medicines can be taken together if indicated. 

Do homeopathic medicines contain cortisone or steroid?

No, homeopathic medicines do not contain any cortisone or steroids. The medicines could be easily tested in the laboratory for such adulteration. 

How do I find a good homeopathic doctor or practice?

Qualified and trained homeopathic doctors are found in some countries such as India, Germany, Austria, Holland, UK, Australia, USA, South Africa, and others. You have to take a search through the local yellow pages directory or on the Internet. Please refer to our article on this topic.

About Life Force
What kind of treatment do you offer at Life Force?

Answer: At Life Force, our focus is on the treatment of chronic and recurring diseases such as Allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, vitiligo, lichen planus, urticaria, migraine, sinusitis, frequent colds, autism, ankylosing spondylitis, IBS, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis C, ADHD, underactive thyroid, psoriatic arthritis, chalazion, anxiety disorders, depression, GERD, hair loss, trigeminal neuralgia, and many more. Please click here to see a larger list of diseases.

How is Life Force homeopathy treatment different than other regular homeopathic clinics in my city or country?

Well, Life Force is an organization and not just a clinic. Under the care of Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, a world-renowned homeopath, Life Force clinics are committed to high-quality treatments based on the expertise and experience of Dr Shah for about 32+ years. It also has the advantage of to the latest research work conducted at Life Force. Life Force has given unique homeopathy experiences to our patients from over 180 countries.

Life Force clinics are available for consultation through two channels. 1. Personal visits 2. Online treatment. For personal visits, you can fix an appointment by calling our clinics or by sending an email. (Please click this.) For Online treatment, it can be done online without visiting us in person.

Life Force clinics are available for consultation through two channels. 1. Personal visits 2. Online treatment. For personal visits, you can fix an appointment by calling our clinics or by sending an email. (Please click this.) For Online treatment, it can be done online without visiting us in person.

Are doctors at Life Force trained about the conventional medicines as well?

Yes, the doctors at Life Force are medically trained homeopaths who have excellent clinical knowledge as well good knowledge of the conventional methods; who are trained to guide you for the treatment of your ailment.

If I visit Life Force to see Dr Rajesh Shah, what is the procedure?

Life Force branches can be visited with prior appointments. If you want to consult Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, in person, you can fix an appointment for the Chembur branch. After registration, an associate doctor will record your case before Dr Shah will see you in person.

Can I consult Life Force doctors online without visiting the center?


If I visit Life Force in Mumbai, how much time do I need to spend at the center?

Typically, the registrant takes about five minutes; your case study takes about 45 minutes and if you have to see Dr Shah, it may take additional about 20 minutes. Other formalities may take about 30 minutes. We suggest about two hours on a regular day. The follow-up visits may take about 30 minutes. Some variation may be possible depending on the complexity of your case and other factors.

Is there any accommodation available near Life Force, if I come from a foreign country or outside Mumbai?

Patients coming from overseas and other parts of the country, stay in hotels in Mumbai. Life Force does not provide any accommodation. All branches of Life Force are well located, allowing easy approach from the airport, train stations, and by road.

Do I need to come every time for a visit?

Not really. Our online support system allows you to get treated online with ease.

How is your fees structure? Do I have to pay every time I visit?

Our fee structure is defined on the website. Once you are under a particular treatment plan for a specific period of 4 or 8 or 12 months, you do not require to pay again till the end of the period.

How is your support system at Life Force? Can I call doctors at Life Force during the course of my treatment?

Yes. Once you get started with the treatment, our online Patient Support System (PSS) allowing us to communicate by e-mail 24/7. Also, it is possible for you to talk to our doctors and support staff almost twelve hours a day, six days a week, over the phone.

I am not able to sign up online using a credit card, there is some error.

There may be a temporary technical problem. You may choose:

a) Try again after a while.

b) Opt for sending the payment alternatively by Pay Pal or check or money order.

Send us an e-mail giving your credit card details (Full name as on the card, card type (Visa, Master), Card number, expiry date, last three digits on the back of the card, your delivery address, telephone number, e-mail, the name of the disease for which you need treatment and the duration of treatment you want to opt for.
Please note that we shall handle your credit card detail confidentially.

I want to send a check or money order or pay by Paypal.

The check may be sent in favor of

For Patients residing in India- Homeopathy India Pvt Ltd.
For International Patients- Life Force Molecules Private Limited
and mailed to our address:

Life Force Homeopathy

411, Krushal Commercial Complex, Above Shoppers Stop,
G. M. Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400089, India
Phone: +91.22.66-888888, +91.22.67978289
E-mail: info@askdrshah.com

I signed up for the online treatment, but I have not received a questionnaire.

If you have signed up online by credit card, you will instantly receive an email with a login and password. You will, then, log into the Patient Support System., account and follow a link to submit a questionnaire reply. In case you have paid by pay pal or check, you will receive your account login details by email.  

PLEASE CHECK YOUR JUNK/ BULK MAIL FOLDER TO MAKE SURE THAT THE QUESTIONNAIRE HAS NOT LANDED UP IN THE SAME. In case the questionnaire lands up in your junk/bulk mail folder, please add our e-mail ID to your safe-list to avoid any inconvenience in future communication.

I have sent a questionnaire reply but have not received the medicine.

Once you send a questionnaire reply online through your account, you will receive an acknowledgment instantly. In case you have not received an acknowledgment,  PLEASE RESEND YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE REPLY.

After receiving the questionnaire reply from you, Dr. Shah may take about three working days, depending on the number of patients he has to attend, to process your case.

It takes about 12 working days to receive medicine anywhere in the world after your questionnaire reply is received. (Saudi Arabia, Germany, Croatia, South Africa, Norway, face delays due to their custom department-related problems.)
If you have not received medicine within 15 days of sending the questionnaire reply, please send us an e-mail, preferably through the Patient Support System.

I want to send photos of my affected parts.

You may send scanned/digital photos by logging into your account through the Patient Support System. Paper photos could be sent to our address in India.

Can I send reports by e-mail?

The best way to send medical reports is through the PSS (Patient Support System). However, if you are facing difficulty doing so, you can send medical reports e-mailed to info@askdrshah.com and send us an email with intimation. 

I have received the medicine but I'm not sure of the dose.

The dose is written on the medicine envelope as well as the medicine bottle. Please send us an e-mail with a PIN (Patient Identification Number) in the subject line to know about the dose.

I have signed up for 8 or 12 months treatment plan. But, I have received medicine only for 4 months. Why? What about the rest of the medicines?

To the patient's advantage, we prefer sending medicine only for 4 months at a time; even if you have taken 8 or 12 months of treatment period. After reviewing your progress at the end of about 14 weeks, Dr Shah will review your case and decide on the next course of treatment which will be sent to you. Please remember to send a progress report enabling Dr Shah's office to send you further medicine. It is difficult for us to send you medicine without receiving a progress report from your end. 

I have taken the medicine and want to know how do I send an interim progress report.

Please send us an e-mail through the Patient Support System (PSS), giving the progress.

I am about to complete the first batch of medicine and want to request more medicine.

Please send your progress report allowing Dr. Shah to decide on the next line of medication for you. 
If your renewal is due, please renew your treatment by clicking  here

If you have already paid for the longer treatment plan, you have to simply send a progress report, about two weeks before completing the medicines.

I want to renew my treatment. How do I go about it?

If your renewal is due, please renew your treatment at: Click here

I am not able to sign up online using a credit card, there is some error.

There may be a temporary technical problem. You may choose:

a) Try again after a while.

b) Opt for sending the payment by check or money order.

C) Send us an e-mail giving your credit card details (Full name as on the card, card type (Visa, Master), Card number, expiry date, last three digits on the back of the card, your delivery address, telephone number, e-mail, the name of the disease for which you need treatment and the duration of treatment you want to opt for.

Please note that we shall handle your credit card detail confidentially.

I have sent my progress report (feedback) but have not received the further medicines.

Once you send the progress report (feedback) through the Patient Support System, you will receive an automatic acknowledgment. If you have spoken with one of the doctors over the phone giving your Progress Report, you will receive an acknowledgment, In case you have not received an acknowledgment, PLEASE RESEND YOUR PROGRESS REPORT (FEEDBACK).

After receiving the progress report (feedback) from you, Dr. Shah will re-evaluate your case and the medicines will be sent to you. It takes about 15 working days to receive medicine anywhere in the world after your questionnaire reply is received. (Germany, Croatia, South Africa, Norway, face delay due to their custom department-related problem.) If you have not received medicine within 15 days of sending the progress report (feedback), please send us an e-mail with a PIN in the subject line.

Can I call Dr. Shah or his assistants over the phone?

Yes. Dr. Shah can be contacted over the phone at his Life Force in Mumbai, from 10 am to 7 pm, Indian Standard Time, from Monday through Saturday, with a prior intimation. 

Phone numbers are: +91-22-66-888888, +91-22-67978289

Please give your PIN (Patient Identification Number) to the assistant so that your file may be given to Dr. Shah before you are connected to him. You may be asked to call again after a few minutes if Dr. Shah is busy with other patients. In case you call outside of the clinic hours, please leave behind your message on the answering machine, giving your name and PIN, and e-mail. If Dr. Shah is not available, you may communicate with his doctor assistants.

Is it possible for me to consult Dr Rajesh Shah in person at his clinic during the course of treatment?

Yes. You may see him with a prior appointment.

Can I reach your clinic by e-mail?

Yes. Please mail to info@askdrshah.comPlease do not forget to write your PIN (patient identification number) in the subject line. In case you do not receive a reply to your e-mail within two working days, you are suggested to call our office.

What is your refund policy?

Please examine our refund policy at: 


Will I know the name or the ingredients of the medicines?

Yes, the medicine pack will come with a prescription.

Are the medicines safe? Can they be used during pregnancy?

Homeopathic medicines are considered absolutely safe and harmless for all age groups, including children and pregnant women.

Is it safe to take homeopathic medicines along with other conventional medicine such as for TN, diabetes, high blood pressure, vitamins, etc?

Yes. It is absolutely safe.

I have a question not listed above.

Please send your question through the Patient Support System or to info@askdrshah.com or call Dr. Shah’s office.

Question to Dr. Shah's Team
About Dr. Rajesh Shah
Facts & Myths Homeopathy
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Over 2000 Case Studies
Dr. Rajesh Shah Research Work

Case Studies

Mr AC (PIN 13541) a 41 years old businessman from Pune, India, visited Life Force clinic on 2nd April 2010.

He was suffering from extensive eczema (atopic dermatitis) since 8 years. There was dryness, redness all over his body. He used to have severe itching leading to uncontrolable scr.....Read more

A 6-year-old girl child, Ms. A.S.H. visited Sassoon Branch of Life Force Homeopathy with the complaints of Urticaria on 1st February 2018.

She was suffering from Hives (i.e. Weals - large red eruptions) all over the body with Redness, Intense Itching, and Swelling. The patien.....Read more

A young twenty-eight-year-old professional, Mr. B. S. (Patient Identification Number: 18808) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 7th April 2012 for the treatment of recurrent Aphthous ulcers.

He presented with severe chronic aphthous ulcers since six months and reported that he had suffere.....Read more

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What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

Our Mission at Life Force

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