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Case Studies

A middle-aged homemaker lady, Mrs. A.D.S. (PIN: 38863) accompanied by her husband visited Life Force Homeopathy for the treatment for her Psoriasis, which she was suffering for more than a year now. Her father suffered from hypertension which could be the genetic link to her case. Psori.....Read more

A 7-years-old girl, Ms. P.K.L. (PIN: 35320) consulted Chembur branch of Life Force on 20th January 2018 for her complaints of alopecia areata. She was suffering from alopecia areata for the last one year. Her first patch developed one year back in the occipital region. The later one had developed.....Read more

A young boy R.S., (Patient Identification Number 13060) was brought to Life Force Center by his parents for the treatment of warts. He was suffering from recurrent complaints of warts since eight years. When he came to us there were warts on the left index finger tip, a cluster of warts on ri.....Read more
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Is it safe to combine allopathic medicines and homeopathic medicines?

Causes of Vitiligo & Theories Responsible for Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD explains why are some people against homeopathy?

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