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Case Studies

A 26-year-old male patient, Mr. D.C. (PIN: 33195) visited Sassoon branch of Life Force Homeopathy on 17th August 2017 with the complaints of Nephrotic Syndrome, which he had started experiencing from a year and they were progressing since then. The patient was experiencing symptoms, such as swell.....Read more

Six and half years old girl,(L-9520) presented with frequent attacks of Tonsillitis for last 5 years. She would develop colds and then severer tonsillitis accompanied with high grade fever. The pediatrician would examine her thought and diagnose it as septic tonsillitis on most occasions. Due to .....Read more

Mrs. M. R., (Pin L-9135) visited the clinic with complaints of oral lichen planus since past 2 months. The LP had affected both sides of the buccal mucosa (inside cheeks) and the inner side of lower lip. There were mild roughness, occasional pain, and tremendous burning sensation. There was a his.....Read more

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Cortisone is not the best treatment for Lichen planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

Anxiety Neurosis

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