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Case Studies

Mr. K.K.C (Patient Identification Number 12931) was suffering from recurrent Tonsilitis for the last 4 months. He would get severe episodes of Tonsilitis once in a month and each episode would last for 12-15 days. His complaints would start with throat pain and dryness of throat, especially in th.....Read more

Mr. K.A.K.S [PIN 16357] came to the center for the treatment of a Perianal abscess. He had developed a small Perianal abscess a couple of months ago. It all started with a episode of blood in stools, around eight weeks ago. He took antibiotics and the bleeding stopped. However he developed a s.....Read more

69 year old male patient, Mr. C. R. (Patient ref. no.: 5796) reported to us after being diagnosed with Hepatitis C since 3 months. His condition was diagnosed on routine investigations as a part of executive health check-up. There was no particular causative factor detected in his case except for.....Read more

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Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

Can onion, coffee, garlic, mint be taken if you are on homeopathic treatment?

Did you know how homeopathy works?

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