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Case Studies

A 59-years-old patient, Mr. P. K. K. came to the center from Noida; he was referred to Dr. Rajesh Shah by a patient who was cured of his skin disease. Mr. P.K.K. was suffering from Reactive Perforating Collangenosis from the last three years. He had severe painful lesions on his hands, legs, tors.....Read more

Mrs. S.K.K (Patient Identification Number 15129), 74 years old lady, was suffering from osteoarthritis since 2 years. She was on conventional treatment for 2 years with temporary relief. Then she visited to Life Force for the treatment of osteoarthritis, in April 2010.

Osteoar.....<a style='color:#8c451b;font-weight: bold;' href='../../casestudies.aspx?CS_ID=8265'>Read more</a> </div> </div> </div><div class='panel panel-default'><div class='panel-heading' role='tab' id='heading2'><h4 class='panel-title'><a class='collapsed' role='button' data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion2' href='#collapse2' aria-expanded='true' aria-controls='collapse2'>Case-1: Good recovery in body and the spirit observed in a depressed lady </a></h4></div><div id='collapse2' class='panel-collapse collapse' role='tabpanel' aria-labelledby='heading2' aria-expanded='true' style=''><div class='panel-body'><p>A sad depressed 42 years old female, Mrs. N. S. S (PIN - 15598), visited our center with the complaints of pain in both knee joints. She was suffering from knee pain since the last 4, 5 years. The pain would be felt throughout the day. There would be stiffness and pricking type of sensation .....<a style='color:#8c451b;font-weight: bold;' href='../../casestudies.aspx?CS_ID=8383'>Read more</a> </div> </div> </div></div>
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Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Homeopathy cannot be taught over week end schools!

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