Are you suffering from oral thrush? Are recurrent urinary tract or genital infections bothering you? You might be suffering from Candidiasis. And, if you are wondering what candidiasis is, what causes it, and how to treat it, get answers to your question by reading this blog.

Candida is a yeast that causes a fungal infection affecting the skin and mucous membranes. It causes a moderate yeast infection, however, in some situations, it can get into the blood flow and cause severe illness. A very small amount of candida lives in the mouth and intestines and aids in digestion and nutrient absorption, but, if it is overproduced then it can lead to health problems. The important thing is to figure out the prevailing load of microbe present. Candida is taken into consideration as ‘Opportunistic microbe’, as, when the amount of candida is quite less they’re harmless; but, if a person has developed a weakened immune system or immunodeficiency, the number of candida increases, the fungi overgrow, and it makes it difficult for you to fight off the infection.

Candida commonly lives on the skin and mucous membrane. Candida thrives in the warm, moist surroundings, such as the mouth including the soft palate; buccal mucosa, and tongue; the diaper place of the toddlers; and, in girls, it is found in the vagina.

Since the underlying cause is a weakened immune system, the infection is common in young toddlers, children, elderly people, and anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. All these people are more vulnerable to infection.

Most Common Types of Candida:

Here are some common types of candida that you should be aware of.

1) Vaginal yeast infection: A yeast infection affecting the vagina.

2) Oral thrush: Candida albicans infection in the mouth.

3) Cutaneous candidiasis: Candida fungus causing infection in the skin and nails.


10 Causes or Risk Factors Responsible for Overgrowth of Candida:

Here are some risk factors which may cause the overgrowth of candida:

  1. High refined carbohydrates or starch diets fuel candida overgrowth.
  2. Medications provide the perfect environment for candida to flourish. For instance, antibiotics, if one is taking antibiotics for a long period, it wipes out the healthy bacteria ‘Soldiers’ i.e. beneficial bacteria facilitating the candida overgrowth. Taking antibiotics is one of the biggest causes of the overgrowth of candida.
  3. Chronic stress releases cortisol impairing the immune system, affecting the digestives system adversely, and causing the overgrowth of candida and other conditions in the body.
  4. Autoimmune diseases are treated using immunosuppressants that reduce the body’s ability to fight infections. So, taking medicines such as steroids including inhaled steroids, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy makes one prone to infection. Also, cancer medicines compromise the immune system.
  5. Medical conditions that weaken the immune system: Health conditions which make the immune system weak, such as HIV, Diabetes causing high sugar levels, and other medical conditions such as cancer, can be responsible for the excess growth of candida.
  6. Oral contraceptives: One who takes oral contraceptives is at risk of getting a candida infection. OC pills contain estrogen which promotes the growth of the yeast in the intestine.
  7. The use of teeth braces favors candida growth. Also, dental filling containing mercury can induce Candida overgrowth in the mouth. Also, the use of the intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) causes the overgrowth of candida due to the presence of copper.
  8. Chlorine and fluoride in the drinking water may compromise the immune system. This may increase the risk of infection.
  9. Excessive alcohol consumption weakens the immune system and increases the risk of infection. Also, consuming a lot of alcohol kills good bacteria.
  10. Fermented foods feed active candida infections.

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Common Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth and Infection:

Here are some common symptoms of candida.

  1. Recurring vaginal yeast infections that cause symptoms such as itching, white thick curd-like discharge, swelling, and pain during intercourse.
  2. Oral thrush: White patches on tongue, throat, and redness inside the mouth or on the gums, and pain and difficulty in swallowing.
  3. Fungal infections of the skin causing skin rashes and the infection of the nails causing fingernail infections and toenail infections.
  4. Sinus infections: As per the research the chronic sinus infections may be fungal infections and not bacterial. Further, if it is considered a bacterial infection and treated by antibiotics, it may worsen the condition.
  5. Food sensitivities: Prolonged candida overgrowth in the intestine allows the foreign particles to enter the bloodstream can cause food sensitivities.
  6. Arthritis: The toxic by-product of candida Albicans i.e. uric acid can lead to arthritis.
  7. Low Mood: The candida overgrowth in the intestine can suppress the production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that boosts the mood) causing a low mood.
  8. Fatigue: The overgrowth of candida can affect the absorption of nutrients, such as iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B6, and releases the toxic metabolites leaving one tired and making one experience the complaints of chronic fatigue.
  9. Chronic digestive issues: Bloating, gases, diarrhea, and constipation.
  10. Difficulty in concentrating and poor memory.
  11. Skin issues, such as eczema, psoriasis, and hives.
  12. Irritability, mood swings, and anxiety.
  13. Urinary tract infections.
  14. Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears.
  15. A strong craving for refined sugars and starchy foods.
  16. Diaper rash in babies: Candida can affect the diaper-contacted area in the infants, thereby inflictinga diaper rash with redness surrounded by scattered crimson sport called satellite spots (that look liketiny pink satellites).

Diagnosis of Candida may be confirmed by using subculture and in the end tissue biopsy. In critical invasive infections, antigen testing can be finished.

8 Helpful Tips to Avoid Recurrent Candida infections:

Here are some helpful tips that can help you keep candidiasis infection at bay.

  1. Avoid taking antibiotics in cases you certainly can. Talk to your doctor and ask for alternative slow-impact medicine or use natural medicines if that’s possible. Many times, antibiotics are given only because one wants a fast recovery.
  2. Understand and avoid bad foods: Avoid foods, such as junk and processed foods, sugary foods, alcoholic beverages, beer, and soft drinks.
  3. Eat healthy foods: Eat fresh fruits, low-sugar fruits, such as avocado, grapefruit, and organic non-starchy vegetables. All are acceptable, particularly greens.
  4. Consume raw and unroasted fresh, organic nuts. Avoid non-organic roasted nuts and seeds as they carry abundant mold if stored for long periods.
  5. Avoid grains, such as pieces of white bread, corn products, pastries, rice, and white flour.
  6. Avoid dairy
  7. Avoid vegetables, such as corn, mushroom, peas, carrots, and beets, beans.
  8. Avoid tight clothing that aggravates the infection: For recurrent yeast infections in females, avoid tight clothing, non-cotton underwear, feminine deodorants, and sitting in a wet bathing suit for a prolonged time which creates a warm and moist environment perfect for yeast growth. Also, avoid taking OC pills.

Now that you know all about the overgrowth of candida, follow these helpful tips to prevent the infection. Also, if you happen to suffer from candidiasis anytime, opt for homeopathy without a second thought. Obtain relief with homeopathy gently, effectively, and safely without any side effects.

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