Are you experiencing difficult bowel movements? Do you suffer from pain, difficulty, and lack of urge to pass the stool? If yes, you might be suffering from constipation. And, if you are looking for an effective and safe treatment for constipation, homeopathy is at your rescue. Homeopathy has plenty of remedies for constipation that help you obtain relief in the condition and cause no side-effects. Keep reading to learn a list of effective homeopathic remedies for constipation.

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23 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Constipation.

Here are some helpful homeopathic medicines for constipation.
1.Nux Vomica:
When the patient experiences pain in the bowels with great straining and constipation results due to the excessive use of tobacco, wines, and coffee, Nux Vomica may help. Bowels would move only after the use of strong purgatives. This medicine is indicated to patients who are thin, highly irritable, and very sensitive to noise and drafts of air. Constipation with ineffectual desire felt in the abdomen indicate this remedy. Constipation is induced by lazy habits.

Constipation accompanied by appendicitis indicates Bryonia. When constipation occurs in the warm weather and feces are hard, large, and devoid of mucus this homeopathic medicine may help. Also, when stools are dry as if burnt, Bryonia may help.

Constipation resulting due to the dryness of the intestinal tract and non-peristaltic action of the intestines, a lack of urge for and inability to pass the stool until there is a large accumulation, and needs great straining, such that you need to grasp the seat of the closet tightly indicate Alumina. When the stool is hard, knotty, or soft adhering to parts, the presence of a little or no urge to pass the stool, and complete inertia even of the rectum so that the soft stool is expelled with great difficulty this medicine may help. Hard and knotty stools like sheep dung, dry mouth, and irritated tongue indicate this remedy. Great mental depression and want of appetite may be experienced by the patient. Alumina also helps relieve constipation occurring during pregnancy.

Sepia helps relieve constipation in women, who are suffering from severe bearing down pelvic pains extending to the rectum with an ineffectual urge to pass the stools.

When an ineffectual urge is felt at the rectum and the sensation of pressure on the rectum after passing the stool, Anacardium is indicated. In Nux Vomica, the pressure is felt in the abdomen.

Constipation resulting due to inaction of the intestines, a lack of urge to pass the stool, and, when it is passed, it is like hard dry black balls indicate Opium. The patient may experience inaction as well as dryness in the intestines. Dryness of the mouth and stomach, the absence of discomfort when the stools are not passed for days together, and there is no urge for passing the stool, Opium is recommended.

Plumbum is an effective remedy for chronic constipation. A loss of muscular activity and diminished secretion of intestinal glands, some action in the intestines, the presence of the urge to pass the stool but it’s passed with great difficulty, and hard and lumpy stool causing fissures indicate this remedy.

Constipation of the most severe kind and ineffective urge to pass the stool indicate Lycopodium. Acidity and burning in the stomach which is better by eructation also indicate this remedy.

Sulfur helps treat constipation, where the stools are hard, knotty, dry as if burnt, large, and painful. When the child is afraid to pass the stool on account of pain, this medicine may help.

10.Carbo An:
Constipation where the patient thinks bowels will be moved but only wind passes indicate Carbo An.

Constipation wherein hard evacuation which can be removed only by mechanical aid indicates Selenium. When the stools turn exceedingly difficult and threaten to tear the anus with their immense size and filaments, like hair, are present in the feces, this remedy may help.

12.Syphilinum:Obstinate constipation lasting for years and the rectum appears to be tied up with strictures indicate Syphilinum. When an enema is used, the agony of passage was like labor, this remedy may help.

13.Natrum Mur:
When the stool is hard and crumbly, the rectum is dry, and the stool is hard to expel and causes bleeding, smarting, and soreness in the rectum after the motion, Natrum Mur may help.

Constipation with no urge to pass the stool, no stool is for days together, and the occurrence of the blotches on the face indicate Graphites. Constipation with hemorrhoids and fissures, which burn, smart, and itch intolerably, and aching of the anus after passing the stool can be relieved with this medicine. The general temperament of sadness and obesity help decide the remedy easily. Mucus coated stool also indicate Graphites. It particularly suits the women who suffer from neglect to attend nature’s call promptly. When the patient is exceedingly sensitive, nervous, find it difficult to concentrate, and experiences difficulty in getting up in the morning, this medicine may help.

It is indicated in the constipation of travelers and emigrants where the trouble results due to the change in the manner of living. When the patient experiences frequent urge and pass scanty and dry stool, this remedy may help. Constipation after lead poisoning when Nux Vom fails to indicate Platina.

16.Veratrum Alb:
Complete atony of the intestines indicates Veratrum Alb. When the feces accumulate in large masses in the rectum, the patient strains and strains and often breaking out into a sweat, but finally has to give it up, and the feces have to be removed by artificial means, this medicine may help you obtain relief.

17.Magnesia Carb:
Puny and sickly children who refuse food or milk because they get pain in the stomach if they take it, and they suffer from diarrhea, green stools with marasmus find this medicine helpful.

18.Magnesia Mur:
When the patient suffers from painful urging before passing the stool, burning in the anus after passing the stool, intestinal atony, and atony of bladder Magnesia Mur is recommended. Urine can only be passed by leaning down and by pressing the abdominal muscles. Constipation in children during dentition, flatulence, large, long, hard, and knotty stool that are not painful indicate this remedy.

When the patient has no urge to pass stools for days and suffers from obstinate constipation, along with nausea, vomiting, retching, etc., Alumen may help.

20.Ambra Grisea:
Inveterate constipation in old people, particularly when stool cannot be passed if there is anyone near about him, indicate Ambra Grisea.

Constipation with large and hard stools that are impossible to evacuate indicates Sanicula. When, after great straining, it is partially expelled and a portion recedes which must be removed mechanically, this medicine may help.

Silicea is effective in treating extremely offensive stools, which are often hard and difficult to evacuate, foul-smelling wind, and hard and swollen abdomen.

23.Tarentula Hispana:
Inveterate constipation with distress that makes the patient rolls from side to side which affords relief to the distress indicates this remedy.
So, if you happen to suffer from constipation at any time, count on homeopathy without a second thought to get relief.

In addition to homeopathic treatment for constipation, there are numerous effective home remedies that can aid in managing and alleviating constipation in many instances:
1. Increase fiber intake:
A key factor in promoting regular bowel movements is an adequate intake of dietary fiber. Fiber increases the volume of the stool, facilitating its smoother passage through the digestive system.Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Gradually introduce high-fiber foods to avoid potential discomfort.

2. Hydration is key:
Proper hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining bowel regularity. Staying well-hydrated helps in the softening of stool, easing its passage. Strive to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water daily, and increase your intake if you are physically active or in hot conditions.

3. Prune juice:
Prunes and prune juice have long been recognized for their natural laxative properties. Prunes contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol with a mild laxative effect. Drinking a small glass of prune juice regularly can help relieve constipation. However, it’s essential to consume them in moderation to avoid potential digestive discomfort.

4. Warm water with lemon:
Start your morning by drinking a glass of warm water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The warmth of the water helps stimulate the digestive system, and the acidity of the lemon may encourage bowel movements. This simple morning routine can be a gentle and natural way to kickstart your digestive system.

5. Herbal teas:
Certain herbal teas, such as peppermint or ginger tea, may have mild laxative effects and can help soothe the digestive tract. Drinking warm herbal teas throughout the day can contribute to overall hydration and promote digestive well-being.

6. Regular exercise:
Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Regular exercise stimulates bowel movements by promoting the natural contractions of the intestines. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, such as walking, jogging, or cycling.

7. Probiotics:
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support gut health. Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or probiotic supplements can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, potentially improving digestion and preventing constipation.

8. Olive oil:
Olive oil is a natural lubricant for the digestive system. Consuming a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach can help soften the stool and promote smoother bowel movements.

9. Aloe vera juice:
Aloe vera possesses inherent laxative properties that can assist in alleviating constipation. Ensure to utilize aloe vera products explicitly marked for internal use and seek advice from a healthcare professional before integrating them into your regimen.

10. Establish a regular toilet routine:
Set aside time each day for a bowel movement, preferably after meals when the body’s natural reflexes are more active. Creating a consistent routine can help regulate bowel habits and reduce the likelihood of constipation.

11. Avoid certain foods:
Specific foods may contribute to constipation and should be ingested in moderation. Limit the intake of processed foods, dairy products, and low-fiber foods. Foods like white rice and bananas, which can be binding, should also be eaten in moderation.
In conclusion, managing constipation at home involves adopting a holistic approach that includes dietary changes, hydration, lifestyle modifications, and the incorporation of natural remedies. While these home remedies can be effective for many individuals, paying attention to your body’s signals and seeking medical advice is crucial if constipation persists or is accompanied by other worrisome symptoms. Additionally, it’s crucial to make gradual changes to avoid sudden shifts in your digestive routine.

-Written by Dr. Vinay C., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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