Piles or hemorrhoids is the condition where the veins present in the anal region get inflamed and swell up. If you experience difficulty while straining and passing the stools, it is an indication of constipation. Constipation to some extent can be controlled by a proper and timely diet.

Piles are a very common ailment that may affect men and women at any age. Women are more susceptible to piles during pregnancy as there is pressure from the growing uterus that restricts the blood flow to the pelvis. So, lifestyle factors and diets have a great effect. Hence, a person suffering from piles has to be very careful about his diet, as following the wrong diet can lead to the formation of hard stool which further leads to unbearable pain at the time of bowel movements. Dietary modifications play a great role in minimizing the pain resulting due to piles and reducing the constipation hazards as it is one of the worst triggers for piles.


7 Foods To Avoid If Suffering From Piles:

  1. Bakery items: As all the bakery products, such as bread, cookies, pastries, and cakes, are prepared from flour and sugar, which is not easy for the digestive system to digest and thus may lead to constipation.
  2. Caffeinated foods: Beverages, such as coffee, tea, and caffeinated colas, should be avoided as it hardens the stools which can worsen the piles.
  3. Alcohol: Alcohol poses a painful risk to those who suffer from piles. As alcohol irritates within the intestinal tract, it results in the aggravation of the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.
  4. Refined foods: In many cases, a diet that is rich in refined carbohydrates, such as bread, pizza, pasta, white rice, and white flour, can cause worsening of the piles.
  5. Deep-fried, spicy foods: Anything deep-fried may lose its nutritional value and can cause constipation which can be hard and more discomforting for the existing piles. So, avoiding them is much better.
  6. Dairy products: Most dairy products contain a protein called casein, and it is very hard to digest dairy food products which can lead to constipation.
  7. Processed meat: The processing of meat is accomplished with the addition of lots of preservatives that may be harmful to your digestive tract. So, it’s better to avoid processed meat.


While certain foods may worsen your symptoms, others may be highly beneficial.

Legumes, such as beans, lentils, peas, soya beans, peanuts, and chickpeas, are helpful during Piles. Increasing the fiber intake in your diet helps in reducing the symptoms.

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Eating more fruits and green vegetables that are loaded with fiber will help you in promoting healthy guts, in reducing constipation, and improving your relief in piles.

Being mindful on diet will also impart a positive impact on your digestive system and also on piles.

Homeopathic treatment is very effective in the management of piles and the symptoms associated with it, such as pain, bleeding, and itching. Homeopathy can avoid surgical intervention. It also targets the underlying causes, such as genetic tendencies, habitual constipation, etc., by reducing the chance of relapse and reoccurrence of the condition significantly. So, opt for Homeopathy if you happen to suffer from piles at any time.


  • Written by Dr. Priyadarsini Puhan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah.


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