9 Best Homeopathic Medicines For Kidney Stone

Are you experiencing painful urination or sharp pain in the lower back radiating to the abdomen? Are you passing blood in the urine? If yes, you might be suffering from kidney (renal) stones. Kidney stones are small hard deposition of minerals and acid salts that stick with the concentrated urine. It is also referred to as renal stones. It may be very painful in the abdomen, flank, and groin area.

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The occurrence of the stone is related to the reduction in the urine volume and an increase in the excretion of calcium oxalate urate cystine, xanthine, and phosphate. It may remain silent in your body without showing symptoms for many years. Homeopathy works very efficiently in treating kidney diseases.

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?

  • If your stone is very small, easily movable then it mostly doesn’t cause symptoms. And, you will never come to know that you have a kidney stone.
  • If you have a large-sized stone, you may experience the following symptoms.
  • Painful urination
  • Passing blood in the urine
  • Sharp lancinating pain in the back of the loin region that may radiate to the abdomen and groin area.
  • Complaints may be associated with nausea and vomiting
  • Backache – pain in the side and loin region radiating to the lower abdomen
  • Dark yellow colored urine
  • Urge to pass the urine persistently
  • It May be associated with fever

Causes and Various Risk Factors of Kidney Stones

  • Here are some causes and risk factors that can result in kidney stones.
  • High level of uric acid, oxalate, and cystine
  • Renal stones running in family.
  • Dehydration
  • Diabetes
  • High intake of protein and salt in the diet
  • History of kidney stones
  • Family history of kidney stones
  • Less intake of water
  • High intake of protein, sodium, and sugar
  • Being overweight
  • Surgery, such as Bypass intestinal or gastric surgery
  • Cystic kidney disorder
  • The tendency of urine to develop high levels of cystine, oxalate, uric acid, or calcium.
  • Swelling or irritation in the bowel or joints.
  • Certain medicines are diuretics and calcium-based.

Types of Kidney Stones:
Here are the types of kidney stones that you should know.
1.Calcium stones
Stones are made up of calcium and oxalate and, sometimes, of phosphate too.

2.Struvite stones
Struvite stones occur in the urinary tract infections where abundant ammonia result due to bacteria in the urine. These stones are made up of magnesium, phosphate, and ammonium.

3.Uric acid stones
Uric acid stones are made of uric acid and calcium

4.Cystine stones
Cystine stones are made of cystine, a kind of chemical, and they very rarely develop. They mostly occur due to genetic disorder where cystine leaks from kidneys into the urine.

Diagnosis of Kidney stone:
Here are some tests which can help in the diagnosis of kidney stone.

  • 1.Urine routine
  • 2.CBC
  • 3.X-RAY or CT scan.

Homeopathic Remedies for Kidney Stone:
Homeopathic remedies are indicated according to the symptoms. Hence, for every patient with renal stone, homeopathic remedies differ and vary on individuality and symptoms totality.
Such as:

  • The right-sided kidney stone in the patient indicates Apis, Lyco, Mag-p, and Sars
  • The left-sided kidney stone n the patient indicates Benz-ac, Coloc, Pareir, and Thuja
  • Pain during urination indicates Canth, Puls, and Senec
  • Kidney stone associated with severe nausea indicates Canth, Ocimum, and Senec.
  • Kidney stone pain extending to the bladder indicates Berb, Cantharis, Lycopodium, and Sarsparilla.

1.Medorrhinum: Colicky pain in the abdomen and groin area while coughing, craving for ice, and limbs, particularly fingers, happen to be cold to touch indicate Medorrhinum. Indicated for kidney stones when there’s a history of gonorrhoea or urinary tract infections, accompanied by intense burning pain in the renal region. The pain may extend to the bladder and urethra, worsening with movement or pressure. Patients often experience discomfort during urination, with urine that may be scanty and foul-smelling. Medorrhinum is best homeopathy medicine for stone when there’s a tendency for recurrent stone formation due to underlying infections.

2.Sarsaparilla: Passage of small stone or calculi while urinating, the stone is marked in the bladder, blood in the urine, and clear urine but very irritating scanty flow indicate Sarsaparilla. When the urine is marked as slimy, copious, sandy, flaky, deposition of white sand while urination, this remedy may help. This remedy is suited for kidney stones causing sharp, shooting pains in the renal region, often radiating to the bladder and urethra. Pain may be associated with small, sandy particles or gravel-like sediment in the urine. Patients typically experience increased discomfort at the conclusion of urination, with relief felt when lying down or applying warmth to the affected area. Sarsaparilla is beneficial for addressing both the acute symptoms and the underlying tendency for stone formation.

3.Nux Vomica: Stone in the ureter is a marked indication of this remedy. Nux Vomica helps alleviate the irritation in the urinary canal. Prescribed for kidney stones characterized by frequent and ineffectual urging to urinate, with pain and discomfort exacerbated by movement or eating. The pain may be cutting or cramping in nature, extending from the kidneys to the bladder and urethra. Patients often report a sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder and may experience urinary urgency, especially at night. Nux Vomica is beneficial for addressing the spasmodic pains and irritability often associated with kidney stones.

4.Cantharis: Persistent intolerable urge for urination before, during, and after urinating, burning pain is present with scalding of the parts, cutting intolerable pain, fearful strangury dribbling of urine with tenesmus, and very painful urination passing drop by drop indicate this remedy indicates this homeopathic medicine. Also, shredding jelly-like indicates Cantharis. Cantharis homeopathic medicine for kidney stone indicated when stones accompanied by excruciating, burning pain during urination, often with bloody or scanty urine. The pain is typically intense and may extend from the renal region to the bladder and urethra, with a constant and urgent desire to pass urine. Patients may experience spasms of the bladder and may be unable to bear even the slightest touch or pressure on the affected area. Cantharis is well-suited for addressing the severity and intensity of pain associated with kidney stones.

5.Berberis Vulgaris: Painful cutting sensation on the left side of the bladder radiating to the urethra and then comes from the left kidney to the course of the ureter indicates Berberis vulgaris. This remedy is recommended when the urine is blood red, becomes turbid, deposits bright red sediments, and slowly becomes clear in appearance but retaining the blood. This remedy is useful for kidney stones causing sharp, shooting pains in the renal region, often radiating to the bladder and urethra. The pain may be accompanied by soreness and tenderness in the kidney area, exacerbated by movement or pressure. Patients may experience discomfort during urination, with urine that may be cloudy or contain sediment. Berberis Vulgaris is beneficial for addressing both the acute symptoms and the underlying tendency for stone formation, especially in cases with associated renal colic.

6.Lycopodium: It is an excellent medicine for right-sided stones. When the urine is scanty and pain is worse before urination, Lycopodium is indicated. The patient feels better after passing urine. When red sediments appear in the urine that may be turbid pale and purulent, this homeopathic medicine is recommended. Prescribed for kidney stones causing right-sided renal colic with bloating, gas, and digestive disturbances. The pain may be cramping or cutting in nature, extending from the renal region to the bladder and urethra. Patients may experience urinary urgency and discomfort, with a sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Lycopodium is particularly useful when there’s a history of digestive issues or liver complaints alongside kidney stone formation.

7.Sarsaparilla Officinalis: This medicine is best suitable for treating kidney stones with a burning sensation at the end of urination. Passing very scanty urine containing slimy and sandy particles in urine indicates this homeopathic remedy. It is indicated for the right-sided kidney stone.

8.Ocimum Can: Kidney stones associated with nausea, vomiting, and intolerable pain indicate this remedy. It offers remarkable results in treating the right-sided kidney stone. Indicated for kidney stones causing intolerable pain, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain may be sharp, shooting, or cramping in nature, extending from the renal region to the bladder and urethra. Patients may experience urinary urgency and discomfort, with a sensation of pressure or fullness in the bladder. Ocimum Can is beneficial for addressing the severity of pain and associated symptoms, providing relief and promoting the expulsion of stones.

9.Tabacum: This remedy is indicated for left-sided kidney stones with nausea and vomiting. It helps in treating the patient who passes red or saffron-colored urine and experiences tenesmus and burning painful bladder. This remedy is suited for kidney stones causing severe nausea and vomiting, often accompanied by cold sweats and a feeling of faintness. The pain may be cramping or cutting in nature, extending from the renal region to the bladder and urethra. Patients may experience urinary urgency and discomfort, with a sensation of pressure or fullness in the bladder. Tabacum is particularly useful when there’s a marked sensation of weakness or collapse alongside kidney stone pain.

Tips for Prevention of Kidney Stone Naturally:

  • Drinking plenty of water will flush out small stones naturally through the urine, and it also prevents renal stones.
  • Avoid more calcium-rich foods
  • Reduce the intake of sodium
  • Reduce oxalate-rich foods
  • Reduce non-vegetarian foods
  • Reduce vitamin C intake

Treatment for Renal Stone:
Kidney stone treatment always depends on its size and composition and its severity, such as stone blocking your urinary tract and causing intolerable pain.
Shock wave lithotripsy done under anesthesia breaks up the kidney stone into small pieces that pass through the urinary tract while urinating.
Ureteroscopy is done under general anesthesia wherein a long tube is used to remove the stone or to break it into small pieces that pass through the urinary tract during urination.
In severe cases, a surgery known as percutaneous nephrolithotomy is done to remove the kidney stone.


You should not stop or start your treatment, Diet, and Home management all by yourself without talking to your doctor first. If you happen to suffer from a recurrent kidney stone and have many more queries regarding your health condition then get answers for all your questions and figure out the right treatment for you by consulting at Life Force Homeopathy at www.lifeforce.in or askdrshah.com

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