Do you want to quit eating meat yet wish to have an adequate intake of proteins? Or are you experiencing a scarcity of meat and wish to have a diet, though deficient in meat, rich in proteins? If yes, going for protein food alternatives that are the best substitute for meat-based proteins can serve the purpose. So, if you are wondering how much protein you need in a day and which plant-based protein foods and non-meat protein foods you can count on for adequate protein-intake, think no further. Keep reading to get answers to your question.

What Amount of Proteins Do You Need in a Day?

Here is how much protein you must eat in a day:

To determine how much proteins you need to eat in a day, it is important to determine your standard weight. The dietary intake of protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. So, a person would multiply body weight in pounds by 0.36. For instance, a 150-pound person should eat at least 54 grams of proteins. Now, typically a serving of meat is 4 -5oz. Protein from animal meat, beef, chicken, tuna, lamb, fish, and pork will give you 28 grams of protein per 4oz serving. Some seafood has smaller counts like crabmeat, shrimp, and lobster provides 24 gm of protein per 4oz. This means at least 2 -3 servings of meat you will need in one day. So, to consume the necessary amount of proteins that are not animal-based, we have to dive in for the protein sources that you can find directly at the store and that are not directly connected to the meat production.

Remember, not all proteins are alike. While we did a protein comparison, you should remember that not all proteins are the same, particularly there is a difference between complete and incomplete proteins. Not all foods containing proteins have an equal amount of proteins. Some of the foods that primarily consist of protein are eggs and chicken. Plant-based protein food sources include beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. The latter foods have fewer grams of protein per weight, and the protein is often incomplete meaning it doesn’t contain all the essential amino acids that an animal-based protein would have. When trying to meet the protein needs of your body with plant-based resources, total calories may increase. If you are not getting enough animal-based protein (or complete protein), you should get at least 2 sources of non-animal-based proteins in your meal, such as nuts, beans, lentils, or quinoa.

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Make sure to track your daily intake: It is important to maintain a good balance of protein, carbohydrate, and healthy fats, even if you are trying to consume less meat. When tracking, a goal to set for yourself is the consumption of 33% of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates every day. Tracking what you are eating incredibly for a few days can be very helpful to determine what foods are worth it to eat and what foods keep you personally full. Just make sure to be gracious to yourself. Changing your diet by eliminating meat intake is not easy, and none of us are going to be perfect at this. But, tracking will not only help you maintain a proper calorie intake for your body but it will also make you feel better in the long run as you continue to understand your body’s dietary needs.

Protein Food Alternatives: 

Here are a few protein alternatives that you may go for when meat is out of grocery and protein compared to the normal animal-based protein sources. Be sure to consider proper servings into account – our comparisons are much larger than actual servings.

  1. Plantbased meat: One way to get fixed protein intake without having meat-based proteins is by going for plant-based meat. For example, if you can’t find yourself a pack of plant-based burgers, go for protein patties are usually equivalent to the amount of protein you would have normally.
  2. Eggs: While eggs are getting more expensive at the store and even scarce like some meat, including eggs in your diet serves as a great source of protein. One large egg contains 6 grams of proteins. So, if you scramble up 2 eggs for breakfast, you are consuming 14 grams of proteins.
  3. Cows milk: You are going to get a higher boost of protein if you sip on cow’s milk. 1 cup of 1 % milk will give you 8 grams of protein. So, consider adding more milk to your diet even if it is whipped up with more coffee.
  4. Greek yogurt: Looking for a non-meat-based food that will give you a higher boost of protein in one sitting? Go for green yogurt. You will be getting a whopping 20 grams of proteins. If you mix up with cashews, your snack offers you 25 grams of proteins.

Include a high quantity of protein in your diet and plant-based proteins if the meat is not available to you. Share these tips while planning daily breakfast and have a boost of protein in your diet!


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