Influenza or flu is a viral infection caused by influenza A or influenza B virus. It is extremely contagious in nature and affects the respiratory system of the body. It can spread by coughing and sneezing by the person who is infected with influenza or flu.

Symptoms of flu or influenza:

  • Extreme exhaustion or weakness
  • Severe body ache
  • Cold and cough
  • High or moderate grade fever
  • Gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, vomiting and pain in abdomen.
  • Joints pain.

In recent times world has experienced the flu outbreaks periodically. Mostly, the people over the globe has experienced

  • Swine flu or H1N1 flu
  • Bird flu or Avian flu

Swine flu or H1N1 flu: This disease originally appeared in pigs. From pigs it got passed on to the humans. The symptoms of swine flu are very similar to mild cold and cough. But, it can prove fatal in no time if the condition of the patient is not brought under control rapidly. For more information visit Swine Flu

Bird flu or avian flu: Bird flu scared the world in late nineties. It is caused by H5N1 viruses in birds. When humans come with the close contact with the infected birds and their droppings, the virus is transmitted to them. Bird flu is known to cause a large number of mortality. There is no vaccine available for bird flu till date.

Role of homeopathy in treating flu or influenza

There are several reasons why homeopathic medicines should be given in the treatment of flu.

  • Homeopathic medicines act very fast in producing results.
  • They are absolutely safe with no side effects.
  • They can be safely given to young children, pregnant women and elderly people.
  • Homeopathic medicines work at the level of immune system; they increase the immunity of the individual and make them strong by correcting the deranged immunity.
  • With homeopathic medicines the duration of illness, intensity of the symptoms can decrease considerably and homeopathic medicines also prevent complications.
  • Homeopathic medicines can also be given to the people as a prophylactic measure against the flu.

Thus, it is evident that homeopathic medicines provide very good results in treating as well as preventing the disease called flu or influenza. People of all age group can take homeopathic medicines without any problem.

Some of the important flu remedies are Aconite, Belladona, Bryonia, Rhus Toxicodendron, Gelsemium etc. It should be noted that patients should avoid self medication. They should take homeopathic medicines under the guidance of a qualified and experienced homeopath only.

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