uterine_fibroidsWhat is a uterine fibroid?

Uterine fibroids are common, non cancerous growths found in the females of reproductive age. They are also called as myoma or leiomyomas. They occur along the wall of the uterine cavity.

Many tiny uterine fibroids occur in females which may go unnoticed because they do not show any symptoms. Eventually they resolve on their own once the reproductive age is passed by. Many females experience irregular heavy bleeding episodes, passage of clots in blood, severe lower abdominal pain (Dysmenorrhoea) and low backache. These are some of the common symptoms of uterine fibroids which can be managed in a clinical setting. Surgery is not really indicated in females having these symptoms.

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Some fibroids are detected accidentally while you visit your gynecologist for a routine examination or for some ailment. Many of them are also detected during a prenatal ultrasound where you may be planning a baby and discover fibroids in the uterus. Pregnancy can be normally continued even small fibroids, they usually shrink and resolve after delivery.

Now the big question is:

When is surgery indicated in case of uterine fibroids?

Many women suspect fibroids and visit the doctor in a panic state eager to get rid of the uterus in a jiffy. Moreover, the anxiety and fear of a cancerous growth itself disturbs their daily life provoking them for surgery. But uterine fibroids per se are never cancerous. Let us have a clear idea that uterine fibroids are mostly never associated with cancer and they hardly ever need surgery. However women need to be watchful about their health especially after they are detected with a uterine fibroid. A regular follow up with your doctor with relevant investigations is a must. Monitoring yourself on a daily basis will help you keep anxiety at par.

Surgery for uterine fibroids is indicated in the following cases:-

  1. Uncontrolled bleeding even after medications leading to sever anemia – Heavy or prolonged bleeding episodes are the common presentation of a fibroid uterus. This is one of the commonest cause for which many doctors suggest removal of the fibroid (myomectomy) or in exceptional cases remove the uterus (hysterectomy). Anemia can lower your body’s endurance and overall immunity. There are chances of contracting infections and certain diseases easily where one may need to opt for surgery.
  2. Blockage of ureters from very large uterine fibroids- Certain females may experience rapid growth of fibroid giving rise to abnormally large fibroids. This is a clear indication for surgery without any delay. Large uterine fibroids give rise to pressure symptoms in regards to the adjoining organs (kidney, bladder, rectum and intestines) which further leads to complications like incontinence of urine, chronic kidney disease, reverse swelling of the kidney, chronic constipation, irritable intestines etc.
  3. Fibroids growing after menopause- Usually uterine fibroids are known to shrink and resolve post menopause. There are rare chances that a fibroid may grow and multiply even after menopause is set in. One can opt for surgery in this case as the protective hormones which can halt the further increase in its size reduce after menopause.
  4. Repeated miscarriages or difficulty in conceiving- A fibroid in the uterine cavity can prevent you from getting pregnant or it may lead to repeat miscarriages. Surgery is strongly indicated in such conditions.
  5. Bowel and bladder problems- As discussed earlier an abnormally large fibroid may cause pressure symptoms in the adjoining organs leading to disturbance in the normal bowel movements and abnormal urinary flow.
  6. Suspicion of cancer- Sarcoma of the uterine cavity is the rarest type of cancer found in females. There are rare chances for a fibroid to transform into a cancerous growth. But if your doctor suspects it as being cancerous or which may turn malignant, surgery can be the preferred option to relieve anxiety.

Uterine fibroid are very tricky to diagnose as many of the times they remain asymptomatic. It may be too late to diagnose them; hence females need to be watchful about it. They can be treated symptomatically with the help of homeopathy and conventional treatment. Do give a second thought for surgery before you opt for it, as surgery is not the ultimate solution for it. I hope this blog gives all you women, some clarity in regards to Uterine fibroids and surgery.

In case you have any other questions about whether you need surgery or whether homeopathy treatment for fibroids can help you, do not hesitate to get in touch. You may give us a call at +91-22-66888888 or write us an email at info@lifeforce.in or read more about Dr Rajesh Shah’s homeopathy treatment for fibroids

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– Dr Kanchan Gohil, Associate Doctor to Dr Rajesh Shah, Team LifeForce

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