A 46-Years-Old Lady With Oral Lichen Planus Successfully Treated At Life Force In 8 Months

A 46-years-old lady patient (PIN- 29733) from Gorakhpur reported at Life Force on September 10, 2016, for treating her Oral Lichen Planus complaints that she was suffering since June 2015. The patient was complaining soreness in left buccal cavity, blisters in mouth on and off, and whitish and bluish streaks on bilateral buccal mucosa. And, she had bluish spots on tongue since last two-three months. She suffered from burning in oral mucosa on and off, but no bleeding. Her complaints used to get aggravated by spicy food and stress. She was on Homeopathic treatment since last six to seven months. Also, she had taken Tab Merhylprednisolone 2 mg for six months and stopped it since seven months.

She also suffered from underactive thyroid since 2010, for which she was on Tab Thyrox 50 mcg daily.

Patient is vegetarian having average appetite, and has liking for fruits and sweets. She has aversion to milk. Her thirst is less and perspiration is average. Patient feels comfortable in cool atmosphere, and thermally hot. Bowels were satisfactory. She was having regular menses. Her sleep is sound. 

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Patient is as homemaker. Her husband is an engineer in the government service. She has two kids. Her son is 15-years-old, and her daughter is of two years and 5 months old.

Patient had happy childhood and cordial relationship with parents. Now, she has a good married life. Her nature is quite irritable. She gets easily angry on contradiction. She is very possessive about her husband, and she cannot tolerate anyone coming in between their relationship. She is very fastidious person. She has claustrophobia. She takes tension readily, and hence she suffers sleeplessness because of it sometimes. Her 17-years-old daughter died in 2010 in a bus accident.

Patient had a history of tuberculosis in 1996. Also, she had a history of typhoid and malaria.

Her father has vitiligo. There is no other history of illness in the family.

Patient had cortisone treatment, antibiotics, and antituberculosis (AKT) treatment in the past.

And, when she visited Life Force, she was on homeopathic treatment since last six months.

Her weight was 56.9 kg and blood pressure was 120/70.

After studying her case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her Sepia- 30 and some research based medicine for two months.

On October 20, 2016, the patient gave her follow-up over the phone. Her oral Lichen Planus lesions on tongue, buccal mucosa, and right lower gums had reduced. Her relief from the burning in mouth was better by 25 %. And, her thyroid was in control with conventional treatment. The doctor prescribed her Sepia - 30 and some research based medicine for two months.

Next follow-up was given by her husband on December 17, 2016. As the patient was feeling better, he asked for the same medicine. Doctor prescribed her Sepia- 30 and some research based medicine for two months.

Then, on February 21, 2017, patient told that her oral Lichen Planus lesions were 25 % better, her burning in the mouth was reduced to 50%, and she had no more blisters in mouth. As per her blood reports, her vitamin B12 was low. So, the patient was on vitamin B12 injectable supplement every alternate day for 20 days. The doctor prescribed her Sepia- 30, Karli carb – 30, and some research based medicine for two months.

During the follow-up on May 1, 2017, the patient told that her oral LP lesions on tongue were 75% better and lesions on bilateral buccal mucosa and on right lower gums had reduced to 50%. She had no complaints of blisters, and the relief from the burning in mouth was better by 75%. In between, she had one spot on elbow but it has also turned light. Her thyroid is under control with the conventional treatment. And, since one month patient developed high blood pressure 140/ 90-100, for which she was on antihypertensive. Doctor prescribed her Sepia- 30, Kali carb- 30, and some research based medicine for two months.

Patient is still under our homeopathic treatment.


Autoimmune and difficult diseases, such as oral Lichen Planus, can be treated successfully with homeopathy within a short time span.


--Written by Dr. Priyanka P., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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