98% Relief From Fistula-In-Ano Discomfort Is Achieved With Homeopathy

A 32-years-old young engineer, Mr. LMS (PIN 29441) visited our Life Force Homeopathy’s Vashi branch on the 14th August 2016.

He was suffering from fistula-in-ano since 7 years with piles in the background. He also had the complaints of constipation and unsatisfied stools. His complaints concerned with fistula had started aggravating from the last 2-3 months.

His complaints were, mostly, itching++ in the anal region and yellowish discharge with mild pain. His complaints used to get aggravated by the intake of non-veg food.

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He used to have a mixed diet and had an inclination for non-veg food. Also, he was used to occasional alcohol consumption. The patient used to get an offensive sweat on forehead and face (especially while having meals) that would leave stains.

As a person, he was calm and had a friendly nature. And, he loved to travel.

Based on his case details, Dr. Shah prescribed him medicines.

After 6 months of the treatment on 17th Jan 2017, the patient’s intensity of itching and discharge decreased gradually.

After 12 months of Dr. Shah’s homeopathic treatment on 5th Dec 2017 follow-up, there was 98% relief in all his symptoms.

The patient is still under our care and continuing treatment to prevent further prevalences.


The homeopathic treatment took care of Fistula-In-Ano, which could resolve without surgical intervention. 

- Written by Dr. Krutika, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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