6-Years-Old Got A Great Relief From Vitiligo With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 6-years-old boy, Master Y.D. (PIN 10401) from Chembur visited Life Force in February 2008 for the chief complaints of vitiligo which he was suffering since 1.5 months along with psoriasis that he was suffering since one year

Complaints of psoriasis were observed beneath both his earlobes in terms of cracks and mild itching, but no bleeding was noted. He used to apply aloe vera gel along with Topgraf ointment (Tacrolimus) since 1.5 months.

Complaints of vitiligo were observed on the left side of his forehead (temple) as hypopigmented spot spreading by 0.5 cm in size since one month.

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He also had associated complaints of recurrent fever every 20 days lasting for two days since two years. There was only mild cough, no chills, & no cold associated with fever episode.

His diet was mixed with an average appetite. He had a craving for fish. He could tolerate both the weathers equally. His body structure was lean and he had a fair complexion.

He was in Senior. Kg at that time. His father used to work for Bombay Paints & his mother was a teacher. He had an elder brother, who was in 4th Std. He had very cordial relation with family members and was well-supported. Usually, he was active & playful. He had a good memory, and he could remember all rhymes and poems well. The patient used to become furious if didn’t get things he had asked for. He used to mix with other friends in the school well. He was also restless and couldn’t sit at one place.

The patient had a history of malaria in childhood. There was no family history of vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis, or cancer. His paternal grandmother had diabetes and maternal grandmother had diabetes and asthma.

Dr. Shah studied the whole case in detail and prescribed Phosphorus 30c along with his research-based homeopathic medicines and asked the patient to give follow-up after every 6 weeks.

In the first year of treatment, the improvement was seen gradually. Also, there were some new spots coming up that were observed in his left ear and right sole, which were due to the sudden stoppage of conventional medicines. He was experiencing improvement in the relief from psoriasis as well.

In the second year of treatment, there was a good improvement in the old spot on his forehead. Further, a new spot was noted on his left elbow as well. The other spots on left ear and right sole had started showing some minor changes throughout the year. 

In the next one year, all his old, as well as new spots, further improved gradually. The one on the ear was yet to show a response, as it was on a difficult area.

So, in the next one year, all his spots had become very light and started showing a good response to homeopathy. Also, his psoriasis spots had turned almost invisible.

He is still under our treatment to avoid recurrence of the spot.


Homeopathy is highly effective in treating auto-immune disease like vitiligo. if homeopathic medicines are taken for a longer period of time with regular follow-ups and appropriate diet.

- Written by Dr. Bhoomi, Associate doctor to Dr Rajesh Shah

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