Complete Recovery From 10 Years Persistent Tonsillitis In 6 Months Of Homeopathic Treatment

A 13-years-old girl, Miss. S.S (PIN 10818) visited Life Force on 7th March 2017 to get treated for her recurrent tonsillitis. She was suffering from tonsillitis and frequent cold for the last 10 years. She would suffer from a severe episode of tonsillitis every year which would last for 3-4 months. In every winter, her tonsillitis would get flared up. Also, her tonsillitis used to get aggravated by consuming cold drinks and ice-cream. She would suffer from cold and then severe tonsillitis accompanied with high-grade fever.

During severe episodes, she would need to take strong antibiotics. Considering the severity of her condition, ENT specialist had advised for Tonsil surgery.

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She had a normal appetite and had craving for junk food, ice-creams, chocolates. She had an aversion to milk. Her thirst and perspiration were normal. Her bowels and urine were regular and satisfactory. She preferred cold climate. She was very irritable and aggressive by nature.

She did not have past medical history of any major illness. There was a strong family history of respiratory diseases. Her mother and maternal grandmother were known cases of asthma. Her sister was having a frequent cold and cough. Her paternal grandfather and grandmother had hypertension. Her maternal grandfather had hypertension and diabetes.

After going through her case details thoroughly, Dr. Shah prescribed his research-based medicines to the patient.

Within the first two months of following homeopathic medicines, her condition improved remarkably. She was almost 70% better in her relief from the complaints. She did not require antibiotics any longer. 

With the further continuation of the treatment, she was completely free from tonsillitis episodes. She got relieved from her 10 years old chronic complaints of Tonsillitis completely within 6 months of continuous homeopathic treatment. She is able to enjoy her ice-cream now without any complaints.


This case highlights that homeopathy is quite effective in treating chronic tonsillitis successfully and safely without any side-effects. Homeopathy eliminates the dependency on antibiotics to obtain a relief from tonsillitis.

- Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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