Recovery From Cystitis, GERD, & Fissure-In-Ano In 8 Months Achieved With Life Force Homeopathy

A 23-years-old young male patient, Mr. D.N.K. (PIN 31322) consulted Life Force centre on 17th February 2017 with the complaints of cystitis, fissure-in-ano, & GERD. He would experience burning after urinating that would last for 20-25 minutes since five months. His urine was dark in colour. After conducting his sonography, cystitis was diagnosed. Besides this, he had the complaints of GERD and fissure-in-ano since a few months. His symptoms were very severe and occurred daily. His GERD condition would get aggravated mostly by having heavy meals and spicy food items. 

He was non-vegetarian by diet. He liked eating spicy food a lot, but he didn’t like milk. His thirst was less than average. His stool and perspiration were average. His sleep was disturbed. His urination was painful and disturbed. There was no specific dream. His physique was normal.

He had suffered from a frequent cough and cold complaint in his past. His mother had underactive thyroid complaint.

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He was pursuing his B.Com. His father was a businessman, and his mother was an officer in SBI bank. His sister lived in the USA & was doing a job as a pharmacist. He was unmarried.

Mentally, the patient was very anxious & sad. He was quite emotional. Every small thing used to affect him. He was depressed & fearful in his past, because his parents were separated from each other for one year. He had insecurity. Otherwise, he was very gentle and sober. He was expressive in nature.

After studying his case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed him two doses of Phosphorus and research-based molecule.

On 29th March 2017, when he gave his first follow-up, there was a drastic improvement in his condition. His relief from cystitis complaint had improved by 50%. His relief from burning during urination had improved by 50%. He had got 60% improvement in the relief from burning, sour eructations, pain, digestion issues, and sleep problems. But, the pain, burning, and itching in his anal region had slightly increased.

On the follow-up on 26th July 2017, his condition had more improved than his previous condition. His cystitis & sleep both were showing good results. He had also got good results and relief from gastric symptoms and fissure-in-ano. The patient was taking vitamin B12 and Vitamin D supplements, because in his reports both these nutrients were deficient in his body.

He gave his follow-up on 23rd October 2017. All his symptoms were showing the very good results. His cystitis, fissure-in-ano, and GERD symptoms were totally cured. He was not facing any episode of cystitis and GERD since a few months. His general well-being was improved. He was very happy with the result.

On 7th December 2017, when he gave his follow-up, his condition was under control. He was not facing any symptoms of cystitis, GERD, and fissure-in-ano. All his diseases were totally cured. Overall his condition was very good.

The patient is still continuing the homeopathic treatment from Life Force.


This case shows that the right selection of homeopathic medicine by an experienced doctor gives a drastic positive result in multiple complaints. 

- Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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