90% Repigmentation In Vitiligo Spots Obtained With Homeopathy At Life Force

Three years back, a 7-years-old student Miss SSJ (PIN 24849) studying in the 2nd standard visited our Borivali branch on 16th Feb 2015 for her vitiligo complaints.

With no family history of vitiligo, the causative factor of her disease was drinking a lot of citruses and artificially flavored drinks continuously for two weeks. After 2-3 weeks, Miss SSJ's parents noticed a white patch of 4-5 cm in size developed on her left upper eyelid. Her parents took her to a dermatologist who prescribed some steroid-based lotions for the local application that caused burning sensation over the affected region.

The patient was following a vegetarian diet. She had cravings for sweet and spicy food. The child was very active and took part in various activities in her school. Also, she was academically good. She showed occasional bouts of anger by shouting.

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After Dr. Shah studied her case history in detail, the patient was prescribed vitiligo research-based medicines for two months.

In the first follow-up of the patient on 19th March 2015, there was a slight fading away of the spot of the patient. The parents of the patient were very happy with the improvement in the first follow up itself.

In the second follow-up on 1st May 2015, there was a new fine hypopigmented line along her upper lip. That was a flare up due to steroid use.  

Later, on the 8th follow-up on 25th Feb 2016, Miss. SSJ showed 40%-50% improvement in her condition.

On the follow-up of the patient on 31st August 2016, the patient showed 60% improvement in her condition.

On the follow-up of the patient on 30th December 2016, the patient showed 80% improvement in her condition.

Later, on the follow-up of the patient on 7th Oct 2017, she showed 90% re-pigmentation in the vitiligo spots.

The patient is still under our treatment.


Homeopathy is highly recommended in treating the cases of vitiligo, particularly where there is a recent onset. Also, homeopathy tackles steroid flare up in a gentle way.

- Written by Dr. Krutika, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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