80% Recovery From Writer’s Cramp Achieved With Homeopathy In 6 Months

A patient named Mr. NKS consulted Dr. Rajesh Shah for his complaints of chronic and severe Writer’s cramp. He was suffering from Writer’s cramp for several years. He consulted with a Neuro physician who diagnosed him of having a Writer’s cramp and focal dystonia (Task-specific dysfunction only at the time of writing). He was advised to take medicines of various kinds, but he got no relief. He had taken anti-Parkinson drugs, antidepressants, Anxiolytics, multivitamins and many other medications but he got no relief. Finally, Botox shots were suggested to him. He took 25 units of Botox in his right-hand nerves through EMG machine. He took another 92 units of Botox injection along with some latest muscle relaxants and anti-rigidity medication, but he did not get any relief from Writer’s cramp. His complaints started with the problem of illegible handwriting and pain in hand. He could not hold the pen for a long. His speed of writing was very slow. He could not write for more than three or four lines and, after that, he had to write with force. Mostly, he was doing all his office work on the computer and he wrote all notes on the computer. There was no other problem with his right hand, except for writing. He could type at a fast speed and could do any type of work. Also, he could lift heavy goods. Due to the trouble with writing, he had lost his job several times and his colleagues would laugh at him when he attempted to write so he lost confidence. Being a very rare disease, people were not aware that such a disease existed, and they made fun of him. This led to severe anxiety and stress, leading to sleeplessness and depression. 

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He was a charted accountant by profession. He had a poor hand-writing since childhood, but it was never identified as Writer’s cramps. He had experienced tremors in his hands also. 

He was obese a result of antidepressants. He had a craving for sweets. He disliked meat and fish. He is more tolerant to the heat, and he required an air conditioner. 

He was staying with his wife, son, and mother. He was a senior manager and had to spend at least 10 hours in his job every day. He was very sad and depressed due to his illness. 

Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed Causticum 200 C in frequent repetition. 

With 6 months of the treatment, there was a considerable improvement in his condition. The patient reported 80% improvement in his condition. He wrote, “Now I can write well with my right hand and writing is also legible and good. There is 80% improvement in my disease Writer’s cramp. My Writer’s cramp is relieved and I am happy now.”


This case illustrates the efficacy of homeopathy to treat a rare disease like Writer’s cramp effectively and safely without any side-effects.

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