15-Years-Old Boy Recovered From Chronic Urticaria In 3 Months With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 15-years-old boy, Mast. Y.P. (PIN 35587) was suffering from urticaria. His mother contacted Life Force for her son's Urticaria complaint on 6th February 2018. He was suffering from this complaint from about 5 years on and off, but it had aggravated from the last 2 months. He used to suffer from intense itching followed by the development of multiple small red rashes all over the body that lasted for 30 minutes and then disappeared. He had swelling over the lips, face, and around his eyes. He was getting rashes of urticaria every day. His complaint used to get triggered by eating sweets and nonveg, the cold season, at night, and pressure. He was on antihistamine and anti-allergic tablets but got no relief.  

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He had a good appetite, and he was dominantly vegetarian by diet. He had a craving for sweets. His thirst was reduced. Thermally, he was sensitive to the hot weather. His sleep was sound.

There was a strong family history of diabetes and hypertension in all his grandparents. His mother had a fibroid. 

He had tonsillitis during his childhood. 

He was short-tempered and bossy by nature. He was very restless and couldn’t stick to one place. 

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed him one of the research-based medicines for six weeks.
The patient’s mother informed over the phone on 6th March 2018 that there was more than 95% improvement in his condition. No recurrence of episodes had occurred right from the time homeopathic treatment was started. 

The mother of the patient visited the clinic on 7th April 2017. She reported that there was 100% improvement in his condition. No repetition of a single episode had occurred. He was able to eat all kinds of foods without any concern. She was very happy with the result. 


This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating urticaria and offers a great relief to the affected person safely without any side-effects.  

- Written by Dr. Ishwari, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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