A Research Scientist Completely Relieved Of Her Pityriasis Rosea

A 38-years-old lady, Mrs. D. H from Navi-Mumbai (PIN 36406) visited Life Force Vashi clinic on 6th April 2018 to get her Pityriasis Rosea treated. She was suffering from Pityriasis Rosea from February 2018. Her complaints had started as a single, large oval pink, and scaly plaque on the upper back and then gradually started to spread towards the chest and neck part and further in both her axilla. Some lesions were hyper-pigmented due to the use of steroid. Before starting homeopathic treatment, she was using Prophygenta NF Cream, which is a steroid-based cream, and Atarax ointment for itching.

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Past History:
In the past, she had suffered from Fissure-in-Ano which was completely relieved with Dr. Rajesh Shah's research-based Homeopathic medicines.

Family History:
Her father was Diabetic, hypertensive, and had Ischemic Heart disease and, her mother was suffering from Hypothyroidism.

Physical Generals:
She had a craving for spicy food. She had no specific disliking. She had no urinary complaints, and her stools were also satisfactory. Her sleep was sound.

Self & Family set-up:
She was a research scientist and working in IIT Bombay. Her husband was a Professor in NMIMS, and she was having an 8-years-old. Mrs. D. H was health conscious. She was friendly by nature and was having good relations with her in-laws and friends. There was no major stress in her life.

After a thorough evaluation of the case, Dr. Shah prescribed the patient his research-based molecules.

On 3rd May 2018, when she visited for her first follow-up, there was no any change in her lesions and her itching had increased. Dr. Shah reviewed her case and prescribed her a new set of medicines.

When she visited on 27th June 2018 for her second follow-up, she was almost 90% better. Her scaling and thickness of lesions had reduced. All her lesions had gone. She no more suffered from itching, just slight marks of lesions were left. Her skin is clearer now than earlier. She continued the medicines for the further improvement.

This case highlights that the skin problems are end results of internal disturbance occurring in the body. Treating the skin problems with local creams or ointments suppresses the disease deep inside. The homeopathic approach towards treating skin problem is Constitutional, wherein, based on the detail case history of the patient, the medicines are decided. It prefers oral therapies which go deep into the system and treat the condition at the root level.

- Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D

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