A 15-Years-Old Gets A Great Relief From Depression With Homeopathy

A 15-year-old boy, Mr. A.B. (PIN: 32091) came to Life Force clinic on 7th May 2017 with a complaint of depression, which he was suffering for one year. He used to get violent and would end up breaking valuable things at home. He used to abuse his mother and, sometimes, his father too physically. This would generally continue for one to one and a half hour, after which he would repent. He had a lack of interest in studies. Also, he was trying to avoid going to the school. It was difficult to wake him up in the morning. He was on Nexito 10 mg and Sizodon MD 0.5 mg. He had also developed an uncontrollable desire for hooking up to the internet, listening to rock music, and watching violent visuals. His aggressive nature used to turn more apparent when he was being asked to study. The pressure development
was also noticeable when he was asked to complete his studies.

His appetite was average. He was fond of having junk food a lot. His thirst was average. And, he was intolerant to the heat. His sleep was disturbed. 

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After studying his case thoroughly, Dr. Shah prescribed him with some research-based medicines. 

When the patient gave a follow-up on 5th August 2017, he had experienced some improvement in his mood swings. His anger had also reduced to some extent. His general behavior to an outsider was quite good that has observed as an improvement after starting with homeopathic medications.

On 9th October 2017, he reported around 60%-70% improvement in his recovery from the complaints. His anger, violence, and abusive nature had reduced considerably. His sleep had then turned sound.

On 7th March 2018, he father reported a remarkable improvement in his relief from the complaints. The patient was no more turning violent, and he was also devoting time to studies though with a less concentration. 

On 24th May 2018, the patient reported with a remarkable improvement in his condition. His violence had totally vanished. Also, his anger had also been reduced by 80%. He had cleared his exams with a good percentage which shows his increased concentration levels had a remarkable overall improvement.

The patient is still continuing the medicines for the further improvement.


This case illustrates that homeopathic medicines work miraculously in treating and curing depression and behavioral problems. Homeopathic medicines address the root cause of the disease, and hence they prevent the relapse and recurrence of the condition. Homeopathic medicines are absolutely free from any side-effects as opposed to most of the conventional medicines like anti-depressants and anxiolytics. Homeopathy goes into the depths of depression, and the treatment is thus based on the underlying cause of disease.

Written by Dr. Amrita K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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