A 4-Years-Old Boy Recovered Incredibly From Nephrotic Syndrome With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 4-years-old boy, Mast. P.P.B. (PIN: 30052) was brought to the clinic on 15th October 2016 for the treatment of the Nephrotic syndrome. He was suffering from Nephrotic syndrome for 10 months, and he had started the steroid treatment. At the time of consultation, he had developed swelling mainly on the face. The albumin in his urine was 2-4+ and pus cells were also present in it. He was taking steroid Omnocortil 30 mg daily. Apart from this, he was not suffering from any other complaint.  

The patient was vegetarian by diet, but, sometimes, he used to eat eggs. His appetite was average, and he had craving for sweets and spicy foods. His bowel movements and thirst were normal, but his sleep was disturbed. His perspiration was profuse, mainly on the forehead. He was stout by the build. All his milestones were delayed. At the time of his pregnancy, his mother was suffering from gestational diabetes so she had taken anti-diabetic medicine.

He was stubborn. He liked pampering. He couldn’t talk full sentences. Whenever he wanted to tell anything and couldn’t express, he used to turn very irritable. If his parents didn’t understand his need, then he used to bite himself and his parents. He was much comfortable with his mother. Before getting affected by the Nephrotic syndrome, he was very active.
In the family, his mother had gestational diabetes and hypertension. His paternal grandfather had diabetes, hypertension, and rectal cancer and his paternal grandmother had diabetes and hypertension. His bua had the menstrual complaint. 

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In his past medical history, he had faced the episode of Hypoglycemia with septic perinatal myocardial dysfunction, hypertrophy cardiomyopathy, and 1 episode of convulsion on the 5th day of his birth. So, he was admitted in ICU for the same. After 1 year, he had ASD. In July 2014, he had a febrile convulsion, later, he felt weakness in his legs so physiotherapy was given to him. In September 2016, thrombosis in the brain was observed.  After studying his detailed case history, he was prescribed research-based molecule by Dr. Shah.  When the patient visited the center on 1st December 2016 for his follow-up, his father informed that there was an improvement in his condition. His protein leakage was 1+, and his steroid doses were tapered from 30mg to 10 mg. His orbital swelling and abdominal girth were as it is. There was no change in his nature. 

On 9th March 2017, when the patient visited the center, his condition had improved a lot. He was on a reduced dosage of steroids i.e. 2.5mg on alternate days. His facial edema and abdominal girth had reduced a lot. He had lost 2 kg weight. No episode had relapsed for two months. On 4th September 2017, he visited at the center for a follow-up. His mother informed that one episode had relapsed in August and one episode had relapsed 15 days back. For that, he was taking steroid 5 mg daily. But, his facial edema and abdominal girth were in control. His irritability had also reduced. His appetite was average.

A few months later on 4th January 2018, he visited for his follow-up. His parents informed that after September 2017, there was no relapse of the episode. All his symptoms were under control. He was taking steroid 2.5mg alternate day since October 2017. There was an improvement in his overall health after commencing homeopathic treatment. Both his mental and physical conditions had improved a lot.

On his follow-up on 22nd June 2018, his condition was improving continuously. Only one mild episode was experienced in the month of April in the last 8 months. For that duration, his steroid doses were increased, later, they were tapered down. All his symptoms were under control. On 1st October 2018, when his parents visited the center, they were very happy. They informed that no major episode had relapsed in the last 1 year. His steroid dose was further reduced. His other symptoms were almost cured. His overall health was enhancing after homeopathic medicine. They were satisfied with the treatment. His parents gave video testimonial. He is still continuing the medicine for further results and improvement.

This case shows that even in complicated disease, such as nephrotic syndrome, rightly selected medicines prescribed by an experienced doctor give a drastic & fast result and overall health improvement.
Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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