A Remarkable Recovery From Lichen Planus Obtained With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 44-years-old lady from Dehradun, Mrs. S.C. (PIN: 23480) registered with Life Force on 31st Aug 2014 for her complaints of Lichen Planus.

She had been suffering from this condition for 8 months before she registered with Life Force. Her disease was progressing. Initially, there were lesions on the scalp, but, later from one month, it had started affecting the patient’s oral cavity as well.

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The patient had experienced a massive hair fall. Also, the had developed bald spots due to scarring resulting due to lichen planus lesions
The patient mentioned that she was in a stressful relationship with in-laws as she lived in a joint family and her husband was away for his job. 
Her lichen planus lesions had aggravated when she was stressed or depressed. The patient was taking steroid-based conventional medicines for her lichen planus.

Based on the case history, Dr. Shah prescribed the patient his research-based medicines. For several follow-ups, the condition of the patient was as it is with no improvement. After following two years of the homeopathic treatment, there was an improvement in her scalp lesions. Also, her itching had reduced remarkably. There was also great improvement observed in her Oral lichen planus.

Finally, after one more year of treatment, there was further improvement in her scalp area. There was a 30%-40% improvement observed in her recovery in March 2018. In July 2018, there was a marked improvement in her condition with no Lichen Planus lesion. Only bald spots resulting due to scarring were left behind by Lichen Planus.

In her latest follow-up in November 2018, the patient reported the presence of no Lichen Planus lesion on her scalp or inside the mouth.
The patient is doing good and is still continuing our medicines as a maintaining dose.

This case highlights that some cases of Lichen Planus take time to show good results, but homeopathic medicines, with proper diet and supplements (if any deficiency), work wonders in curing lichen planus effectively and safely without any side-effects.

Written by Dr. Krutika, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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